CHAPTER 10: A Sigh Of Relief!?!

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After I agreed to letting Hunter talk to his old friends, I have to admit that I do feel a little more safer right now. Not that Hunter and Sam haven't made me feel safe before but for this situation that's going on right now, I feel like we definitely needed the extra help. 

With everything going on right now, I felt like I couldn't tell the school to keep a closer eye on Bessie without both her and the school being suspicious as to why and I didn't want to go into details with either one. So we decided that I would stay home with her and home school her right now. Which she was fine with. 

I wish I still had family that I knew because then I would have Bessie go and stay with them. The benefits too in having your own business is that you can make your own rules. Which I plan to have Bessie with me at the bakery and keep her busy with schoolwork while also I continue to help Maurice with his event. 

I had to apologize to him for how I reacted and convince him that I still needed to do his event by lying to him and letting him know that Hunter and his business isn't really bringing in enough money and that we needed the money. Luckily, he believed it so now, I'm trying to plan a menu for his event that's only weeks away from today. 

To be honest, in a way, I do feel a bit nervous because I have never catered this many people and then on the other hand, this in a way is my dream. Well, minus the whole fact that it's to a party being hosted by a criminal. 

For the next week, I have been really busy at the bakery baking up all these different cupcakes and have been feeling more and more tired from all the work I've been having to do. I even have had Sam come and pick up Bessie and stay with her at the house while I worked late. 

Tonight however, Bessie ended up staying here with me and I'm sure since it's passed her bedtime that she's passed out asleep in the back. 

So I finish up for tonight and put the new batter and frosting I had just finished mixing, in the fridge for tomorrow. 

Then as soon as I close the fridge door, I jump back surprised when I'm forcefully pushed up against the wall behind me and my mouth is covered with this guys hand while the other one is pinning my wrists above my head. 

"Shh. Don't say anything, just listen. I have a message for your husband. If he doesn't give me what I want and bring me Maurice, I swear that I will kill not just you but your daughter in front of him slowly. I will make sure that the last thing he hears before he dies is both of your bloodcurdling screams." He threatens. "Do you understand?" He asks. 

I nod my head in agreement. I then hear my daughter scream from the back room and I knee the guy in the balls and right away run in the back to get Bessie and I see her kicking and screaming as soon as I see a man holding her, trying to leave out the back with her. So I quickly run up behind him and grab the heaviest thing I can on one of the counters and hit him a couple times over the head as he suddenly lets her go and I grab her hand and we begin running out the back door as fast as we can until we get a little ways down the street and run quickly into a Denny's. 

"Mom what's going on?" Bessie cries to me. 

"Listen to me." I begin while kneeling down in front of her and trying not cry as I also try to catch my breath. "Those were bad guys." 

"I know. One of them was the one who I've seen at recess." She says. 

"I want to listen to me okay? Everything will be alright. Mommy and daddy are not going to let anything happen to you, okay?" I tell her. 

"Okay." She replies as she sniffles and wipes her tears. 

"Are you hungry?" I ask her. 

"Yeah." She nods her head. 

"Alright. Let's get you some dinner while I also call dad." I smile at her as I kiss the top of her head and take in a deep breath before walking up to the hostess that was looking at us. 

"Are you guys alright?" She asks concerned. 

"Yeah. We'd like a table please. A booth in the corner." I tell her. 

"Sure." She says as she grabs menus for the both of us and I look back for a brief second to make sure they haven't caught up with us or saw where we ran into. 

Luckily, I had put both my wallet and cell phone in my back pocket to my jeans as we both sat down and I pulled out my phone and texted Hunter a brief message telling him what happened and where we were at. Which he immediately replied back and said he was on his way. 

I began to feel a little bit more relieved knowing that he was on his way and that those assholes didn't know where we had ran into because otherwise, they would have come in already and caught up. Not to say I wasn't still looking at the door out the corner of my eye every time I heard someone coming inside. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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