CHAPTER 13: I'm In Control Now!!

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I can't believe I told her all of that and then left without talking things out. I didn't mean any of it. 

I've been staying in a hotel since that night for the last three days ago. I've tried making things better and Sam has even been texting me to meet up with Maurice but that asshole, Skullz has our daughter and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get her back. In fact, I'm going to start today. 

Right now I'm on my way to a meeting with Maurice and am meeting Sam there but thought I'd get there earlier to talk with him alone. 

As soon as I arrive, I head inside his place and when I find him, I walk right up to him and tell him that we need to talk. We head into his office and I begin. 

"So, what's the problem?" Maurice asks. "You and Sam are supposed to meet me at the warehouse in a couple of hours." 

"I know but I need to speak with you, it's important." I tell him. 

"Shoot." He says as he sits behind his desk. 

"You need to tell me the truth." I begin. 

"About?" He asks. 

"About Skullz. How the hell did he find me?" I ask him. 

"Beats me." He says. 

I start clenching my jaw as I glare at him. 

"Fine, you don't want to tell me." I say as I pull the gun out from the back of my pants and point it at him.

"Woah! What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asks. 

"You're going to start telling me everything in what all is going on or else." I warn him. 

"Or else what?" He chuckles. 

"Or else I'm going to blow your brains out right here and now." I warn him as I walk up to him, grab his shirt collar while pressing the gun right to his temple. 

"You wouldn't dare." He said. 

"Watch me." I tell him as I cock the gun. 

"I'm not afraid of you." He smirks at me. 

"But you are of me." We hear Sam and as we look at her she has a gun also pointed at him. 

He looks at her and now he has a sudden fearful look on his face. I don't think I have ever seen him look so scared before. 

"You both are going to get me killed." He tells us. 

"We might kill you ourselves, might as well tell us everything we want to know." I tell him. 

"Fine. " He replies frustrated. "Skullz and I go way back. Before I ever met you." He tells me. "We both were doing a job together and things went wrong." 

"Like?" I asked while continuing to point the gun at him but backing up a little and standing in front of him now. 

"We got caught as we tried stealing from my father. He owned an ancient gold Egyptian artifact piece that many have been searching for and have wanted but that he owned. My dad believed it helped make him the powerful man he was. But when we got caught trying to steal it, I left Skullz behind and he was tortured by my father and his men. He always said he'd come after me one day. Then a couple of months ago, we found each other again and he asked for the artifact but in exchange, I gave up you." He confesses. 

"Why me?" I ask him. 

"We both know why." He tells me. 

"Well now he has my daughter. So this is what you're going to do for me, you're going to help me get her back and stay the hell away from my family from here on out."

"What's in it for me?" He asks. "I mean, why the hell would I help you?" 

"Because otherwise, we'll make an example out of you and not to mention the fact of what all I can do to you." Sam chimes in. 

He looks terrified again as he looks at her. I look back and forth between them both, neither one breaking eye contact and then he finally agrees to help us. 

"Good. And this whole thing with my wife catering your so-called 'event', she's done. Do you understand?" I tell him. 

"I swear..." He begins to start in threatening me but again, Sam interrupts him. 

"You don't speak. You just agree with his terms and then we wont have a repeat of what happened in August of 2005." She says. 

"This is bullshit!" He says frustrated. 

"Try being your cousin and the niece of your father." She tells him with distaste and disgust in her tone of voice. 

"Alright. I'll find what I can in his whereabouts and about your daughter and then I'll let you guys know." He says in defeat. 

"You better. You have twenty-four hours." I tell him. 

He nods in agreement and then both me and Sam withdraw our guns and put them away before walking out towards our cars. 

"Chicken shit." She chuckles. 

"How did you know I was here?" I asked. 

"Because I knew you couldn't resist doing whatever you had to to protect your family." She smiles. "Besides, just like I told you before, you've grown on me and I would do anything for you guys." She winks at me. 

"Why was he afraid of you?" I ask. 

"That's a story for a different time. Right now you and I need to go home and you need to make things up to your wife." She tells me. 

I laugh a little bit and then as we get into our cars, we take off and I follow her on back towards the house. 

First though, I need to stop by the shop. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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