New Home

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AN- Ok, first chapter. A little nervous. A little excited.


 "Judy, please don't give us the silent treatment about this,"Bonnie Hopps said to her daughter who was currently in the backseat looking out a window,"You know the this will be better for your dad's work."

"It's true,"Stu said,"Zootopia has a lot of good produce shops and dozens of fields that are not owned. We will make a killing."

"I know," Judy said,"I'm just not that stoked about leaving home. I miss my friends already."

"Jude, I understand how you feel, and Zootopia being a bigger place than BunnyBurrow may make things a little difficult, but you can at least try, right?"

"I guess."

Bonnie smiled a little,"Look, Judith. Your fifteen, and we know you don't understand, but one day, you will."

The three mammals were in the car, deriving 200 miles to the city of Zootopia where Stu had been able to buy enough land, and get deals with market places, that could help him make three times the amount of money he was making in BunnyBurrow. Of course, Farming was always top priority to Stu Hopps. His dad farmed, and his grandfather farmed, and the line goes on. Stu had been living on the Hopps Farm as everyone called it. Judy's grandfather owned the land, but when he passed away, the land was given to her uncle Clark.

Stu wasn't too happy about it, and kind of resents his dad for it. Stu now had no choice but to take his inheritance money to buy a few field in Zootopia. Meaning the three would have to leave home. Judy had wished she had brothers and sisters so she wouldn't have to go to a new school alone, but life always seemed to throw curveballs at the bunny. Judy was an only child. The reason for this was because her mom had gotten hurt while pregnant with her first litter. A car accident, causing all the kits to be killed, except for Judy. The accident caused her to lose the ability to have other kits. It was hard, but Bonnie and Stu made it though. Judy being their pride and joy. Their little miracle.

"How much longer till we are there?" Judy asked her dad.

"About an hour."

Judy groaned a little, but popped her headphones in. It seemed to calm her down when Judy could listen to Gazelle and get lost in the words of her songs. Her love for music caused a lot of mammals from BunnyBurrow to believe that she would be a singer when she grew up, but to be honest, Judy wanted to be a cop. It was her dream sense she was nine years old. A cop for Zootopia was the plan at first, but after a while, the bunny didn't want to leave home for a dream that would probubly never happen. That's why she helped her dad farm. It's all she knew, and it would make for a good future in the long run. A future her mom and dad would support.

Judy didn't even realize she had fallen asleep until a big bump woke her up. The bunny's eyes went wide at what she now saw. Zootopia. The city was WAY bigger than the picture had made it look. All kind of mammals. Some of them, Judy had never seen before. It was truly amazing. However, no matter how incredible the city looked, it didn't hold a candle to her true home in BunnyBurrow.

"Well, we are almost to our new house,"Stu said with a smile.

"Good," Bonnie said,"I'm getting a little tired of sitting in this car."

"Don't worry, Bon," Stu said,"Terrence said he would haul the truck down here tomorrow."

"I ment I was tired of your driving, you dumb bunny."

Stu shrugged,"You say tomato, o say-Oh, we are here!"

Judy looked out the window and saw a large field. Bigger than the one from back home, and beside that one was a field of similar size.

The house was alo pretty nice. Nothing as big as the house they lived in at BunnyBurrow, but it seemed homey.

"This is a nice place," Bonnie said.

"What did I tell ya?" Stu said with a smile,"I have good taste."

"Don't overdo it," Bonnie warned, causing the bunny to look at his wife with a strange glare.

"What do you think, Jude?" Stu asked with high hopes.

"It's...nice," Judy said.

It wasn't the answer Stu was expecting, but with the mood Judy was in about all of this, it was a good sign that it would be a place his only daughter would get used to,"I already made arangements, and you should start school Monday. I'm sorry, but you will probably have to take the bus."

Judy nodded her head,"It's ok, Dad. In a couple of weeks, I will have a license."

"That's the spirit," Bonnie said with a smile,"Now, how about we get settled in?"

"Great idea, Bon," Stu said as the trio got out of the car.

Judy was still unsure about the change, but she knew it ment to world to her family, and in the end, that is all she wanted. The bunny grabbed a box that said 'Judy' and went into the house,"Where is my room?"

"Down the hall and to the right. Second door."

Judy nodded her head and walked into the room. It seemed like a good room. Alot of space, and the walls were pretty nice. It wasn't the plain white color like in her old room back home. It was a sunset orange, and Judy thought it looked cool.

Judy put the box down on the bed and breathed in, then out,"Okay, Hopps. Time for a new start to your life."

AN- How did i do? Was it ok? Let me know so i will know whether or not to continue it. Anyway guys, please stay tuned, updates will be coming soon.


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