We Can Do This...Right?

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AN- MANY mixed emotions in his chapter. Not really sure what else their is to say about it except....


 In the past two months of being back at ZHS, Nick and Judy had found that their grades were high, and their love was strong. The two had been going out for a year now, and that was a big milestone for both mammals. Nick had taken her out that night to celebrate one year, and they had an incredible night. Judy was beautiful, as always, and Nick treated her like the angel he had seen her to be for the past year. Through all the bullshit the two had went through, she stayed with him, just as he has stayed with her. They had eachothers backs, and it seemed that Nick's life at hit it's peak. However, with any peak, there is a point where anything falls down once more. A moment where you feel so high, that being dropped down is the worst thing that can happen.

When one small decision could threaten to take your whole world away.


"I am telling you, Carrots, Linda has the hots for her."

Judy rolled her eyes to the fox," Nick, Linda does not like females."

"How do you know? I personally haven't seen her dating anyone, nor have a heard her talk about any crushes on guys."

Judy shrugged," Maybe she is just personal on that kind of thing."

"Carrots, have you even asked Linda about it?"

"Asked me about what?" the lamb said, startled the two, as they had no knowledge of her presence.

"Oh..well..umm," Judy said, stuttering on her words until Nick took charge.

"I got it, Carrots," Nick said with a sly grin," Linda. Dear sweet Linda. We have been friends for well over a year now, so you can tell us anything, right?"

"Of course," the lamb said.

"Good," Nick said," So, here it is. Are you crushing on any guys lately?"

The lamb shook her head," No. I am not."

"What about females," Nick asked, winking to Judy.

The lamb then blushed a little," Oh..well...umm..."

"I think I got my answer, Carrots," the fox said with a victory grin.

"Wait. What just happened?" Linda asked, confused.

Judy raised a paw," Just forget that this conversation happened."

Judy was taken out of the conversation by the sound of Terry," Where is your fox toy?"

Judy turned around and saw the lion looking down on Judy," Seems he has left this location, smart one."

"Don't get smart with me, rabbit," the Lion growled," Freaks like you and that fox are going to destroy this school. Just wait and see."

"Funny," Judy said," The only one who seems to have a problem is YOU."

Terry then said," Oh, I wouldn't count on that, dear. I'm just the only one willing to speak about it."

The lion then walked away, causing Judy to do what she did best. Overthink.

'Is he being serious?' Judy asked herself,' Are other mammals judging us. What are they saying behind our backs?'

"You ok?" a voice said, snapping Judy back to reality.

"Oh, Nick. There you are."

The fox nodded," Yeah, I went to get a water. Are you ok?"

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