Adopted//Author's Note

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AN- Just a filler chapter, and a few announcements i need to make.


 Things got better as time went on. Sure, the fox seemed a little distant in the first month of Daisy Wilde's death, but over time, he came around. He had Judy and that made life a little more worth living for.

The summer was coming to the end, so the two needed to prepare for their final year in high school. They had decided to go shopping and get everything they thought they would need. For Judy, that meant clothes, binders, tab dividers, calculators, ect. For Nick? That meant a pack of paper and a pencil. However, Judy would not allow him to go without what was needed. The cute bunny had ended up dragging Nick to the clothes section to try on some outfits she thought would look great on him. However, the fox always preferred his Hawaiian shirts and cargo pants.

"Carrots, I can not wear this," Nick said, motioning to the long sleeved T-Shirt he waa now wearing," It would ruff the hell out of my fur when I take it off."

"I think you look good in it," Judy said with a wink that made Nick's heartbeat get a little faster.

"What else do you got?"


"You have got to be kidding me?"

"I think it's cool," Judy laughed, looking at the fox who was wearing a shirt with marvel characters.

"Carrots, DC is WAYY better."

The bunny's eyes went wide," WHAT?!"

"It's true. They have better story lines and are more logical."

Judy groaned," And for a second there, I thought I had the perfect boyfriend."

"Well, i'm sorry, fluff. But you are stuck with me."

Judy giggled," I know, and I am happy as hell to have you, but I still have more clothing options."

Nick raised a paw," How about we just go with a few NORMAL shirts, and maybe some pants and call it a day."

"But, I enjoy seeing you flash your body," the bunny said seductively," But, I guess you just want me to miss out on that."

Nick chuckled," Carrots, you are too much sometimes."

Judy shrugged," Ok, you win. Let's get a few items of clothing and be on our way."

The two shopped for another thirty minutes before leaving the store. They had gotten into Judy's truck and made their way towards home to drop off what they had bought. They were then planned to meet up with Finnick at the shake shack.

Nick and Finnick had become very good friends. Judy got along with him too, but he sometimes became too much to handle.

They had finally made it to their third destination and saw the small fox waiting for them," Well, you finally made it," the small fox said with his gruff voice that would confuse anyone.

"Fin, don't pull that card," Judy chuckled," You got here like three minutes ago."

"And just how do you know?" Finnick asked.

"Because I still smell your van's exhaust outside."

"You really will make a fine cop," Finnick laughed," Ok, you got me."

The three sat together for a while, laughing and telling stories. After a while, Finnick decided to go home, leaving the fox and bunny sitting together alone.

The two were looking into eachothers eyes for a while before leaning in for a kiss.

"When was the last time I told you I loved you?"

"This morning," Judy giggled.

Nick smiled as he hugged the bunny," I really do love you."

"I love you too," Judy said," How about we get out of here?"

Nick nodded his head as the two got up and went to the truck," You know, next week is going to be pretty cray."

Nick shrugged," Carrots, we are going to be seniors. We are the big dogs now!"

"Dork," Judy laughed as she started the truck to go to the house.

"I just hope we get the same classes."

Judy nodded her head," Yeah, you would fall apart without me there."

"Or I can just cheat of the guy beside me."

The drive went on for another fifteen minutes before they got back to the house.

"Home sweet home," Nick said, getting out of the truck, however, I black SUV sitting in the yard was not the planned sighting.

The tow hurried into the house and saw a otter in a suit," Are you Nick Wilde?"

"Yes," Nick said confused.

"My name is Gordy. I am with social services."

Judy raised a brow," Why are you here?"

"Well, the original plan was to take Mr. Wilde here with me to a foster home," the otter replied, Causing Judy to get a little worried," But, me and you mom and dad had a chat, and i'm pleased to say, there is nothing to worry about."

Judy raised a brow," Mom, Dad, What did you do?"

The two bunny's smiled," Well, we cannot just let Nick leave like that."

"You are now in full custody of the Hopps family," Gordy said with a smile," You shall live with them until they decide to kick you out."

Nick looked to the two bunnies," Are you serious?"

"You are now our son, Nick. Your mom would have wanted it this way."

Nick ran to the two and hugged them tightly," Thank you so much."

The otter excused himself out of the house, and Judy looked to her parents with pride, however, the bunny couldn't help but say," So, does this mean I am dating my brother?"

The fox picked up his head," What?!"

The bunny just laughed in amusement," Calm down, Slick. It was a joke."

"Well, I would be proud to call him my son," Stu said with a smile.

"Thank you," Nick said," To be honest, you are the only mammal I can even classify as being any kind of father to me."

It was indeed a touching moment for the family.

AN- Ight, so i am almost to the finale of this story to which i will have the most OMG ending ever put in any of my writing, EXCEPT FOR MAYBE 'NEVER TOO FAR'. So, before this end comes, i need to announce that I got a dog. Yes, i am taking half of my story limit to tell you guys that i got a dog, and it is a boy, and his named him Clover, and he is a very good boy. To be honest, i really didn't want to get the dog, my wife wanted it, but i was worried about how it would take to our upcoming baby. After she practically begged me, i gave in and we got the dog. I tried not to get attached to it because if it came to pass that we had to get rid of it for the baby, i didn't want emotions to make me second guess it, but you are not going to believe this. Though it was my wife who adopted the dog, he will not leave my side. I have tried everything to get him to leave me alone, this this dog is persistent AF. Then, last night, he curled up beside me on the bed and went to sleep. I stared at the dog for five minutes before leaning to my wife to tell her that this dog was MINE! My wife is the one who named him Clover which was a smart move because i was ready to name him 'Steve'. Kind of ashamed of myself for that one. But, that is my big announcement. That is all i have got for now. 

P.S. What an amazing chapter, i almost cried (BUT I DIDN'T) Anyway, next chapter will be up soon i hope. You guys just stay tuned in for me. Till next time....


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