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AN-So, My cousin is going to prom tomorrow night and I know she reads my work, therefore, I have decided to write this chapter for her.


Judy sat on the end of her bed, phone in hand, smiling at the pictures taken from the most amazing night of her life so far. She was still wearing her dress, and her fur was still nicely brushed along her body, however, had the fox and bunny not stopped themselves, it wouldn't have been that way. She was texting her friend, Alice, who still lived in BunnyBurrow, and when the bunny had told her she had just returned home from prom, the bunny wanted ALL the details.

The first question Alice asked her friend about the night what, what was her favorite part about prom?

Judy sighed and typed back,"That best part about prom is not the dancing or the music as many would suggest it to be. It isn't the food that was nicely made by the one hundred mothers who wanted to contribute to the traditionary occasion. It wasn't aby of the things. The best part about prom, was looking into the eyes of your date and your heart melting into a puddle because in that moment, you are in love. Then that kiss after the last slow song of the night that you feel. Not only with your lips, or with your heart, or even your mind. It is the type of 'feel' that one can only experience when they feel the way that I felt about Nick in that moment. Alice, the truth is, the best part about prom, is the part that cannot be explained in words, because the only one that can truly feel it, is me."

Judy chuckled when Alice responded with a heart emoji, a crying emoji, and a heart eyes emoji.

Judy smiled as she typed,"I am gonna go to bed. TTYL."

Her friend responded,"Same," and Judy plugged in her phone. The bunny then took off her dress and slipped into a large shirt she had stolen from Nick's dresser. The sleeping fox layed on the other side of the room, sleeping soundly. Judy layed down on her own bed, smiling at the memories she would always hold to her heart.



Nick and Judy had returned from school, both taking Nick motorcycle as they did most days to save on gas. Or, at least, that's what Judy would say. The truth of it was that the bunny enjoyed holding on to her fox as they rode the highway. The fox had a different heartbeat whenever he rode that bike. Judy had never said this out loud, but she thought Nick looked sexy on it.

They were sitting at the kitchen table, helping eachother with homework.

"So, Carrots," Nick said with a smile Judy never failed to fall for.

"Yes, Nick," Judy said to the fox.

"Got any plans for tomorrow night?"

The bunny raised a brow to the fox,"You live here. You know darn well i never go anywhere."

Nick chuckled nervously. The type of nervously that told Judy Nick had something he wanted to tell her or ask her.

"Well..." the fox started," I know that it is short notice..and you probably would like to go, but i was just wanting to ask you..umm.."

Judy would have giggled at how cute the shy fox was acting if she was so curious as to what he was trying to say,"Go ahead...spit it out."

"Would you like to...go to the prom tomorrow night....with me?"

Judy's eyes went wide,"Nicholas Wilde, who else would i go with?"

Nick shrugged with a smile,"Just checking. So..?"

Judy thought for a moment,"You don't own a tux."

"Yes i do," Nick smiled,"Had it for a couple years. Never even took it out of the packaging. Was saving it for a special occasion."

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