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AN- Really do like this chapter. Hopefully you do too.



Me and Nick are now driving to the hell hole we have been away from for a small amount of time, which we wish would just vanish from existance, also known as Zootopia High School. As I drive me way to the destination, Nick suprises me with a kiss on the cheek. Sometimes, it amazes me how spontaneous the fox can be. Especially after the stressful summer we have had to endure.

I recaped the whole thing in my mind. I got kidnapped, Nick's mom died, me and Nick boned, and my uncle died. A crazy summer indeed. To be honest, I am glad we can put the bad past behind us as we pull into the parking lot of ZHS.

"You ready for our first day as seniors?" Nick asked with the sly smile I am so happy to see again.

"You bet I am."



Nick, Judy, and Linda all got together in the cafeteria, their usual morning hang out before starting to their classes.

"So, you are in my second, third, and fourth," Nick said with a smile," Can't be mad about that."

"Well, I shall be joining you tow in third," Linda said with a smile," But whoever shall keep our bunny company during first?"

Let's see," Finnick said, finally joining the group, snatching Judy's schedual," Oh, it seems that I will."

"Oh no," Judy said with a chuckle," Is it too late for a change?"

Nick laughed," I am afraid so, dear."

The four mammal groaned as the bell rang for everyone to start their classes.

"I guess I will be seeing you in a couple of hours," Nick said, flopping one of Judy's ears over her face. It was something he had started doing after seeing how it got on Judy's nerves, but he thought it was so cute.

"I guess so, foxy," Judy said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek," Don't miss me too much."

Judy and Finnick then walked toward their class as Nick went the opposite direction.

Judy's first class was History. Something she was pretty good at, but never got in to. For some reason, the class seemed pointless to her.

"Ok, class," a female cheetah said, walking to the front of the class," I am Mrs. Cliff."

"We read the door. I think we know," a voice said from behind the class, causing the other students to laugh.

"Ah, starting the semester with jokes. I can see this class will be fun."

"Trust me, just wait till Wilde gets this class," another student, a bear laughed.

Mrs. Cliff chuckled," Yes, he is scheduled for next semester, and trust me when I say I have heard all about him."

"Yeah, the prey up there is his girlfriend," an all to familiar voice said.

Judy turned to see Terry, the lion she had threatened to stab with a pencil.

"That is of no interest to me," Mrs. Cliff said.

"I see. Well, I guess you agree with the freak nature of this whole thing."

Mrs. Cliff goraned a little," Terry, why don't you hold your tung while in my classroom."

The lion smiled a little as he leaned back," Just speaking my mind. Freedom of speech, isn't that what this class teaches?"

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