Mrs. Wilde

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AN- REALLY excited for this chaoter. Hope you are too.

     Judy woke up that Sunday morning with the memories of last night filling her mind. The fun she had with Nick ending with her and him kissing to the tune of Gazzel. The bunny had been thinking about that kiss alot last night, asking herself if she was making the right decision. It did seem pretty crazy. She lived in BunnyBurrow for years, hating foxes. Then she moves to Zootopia and falls in love with the first fox she meets. How exactly does that happen?

     The bunny shrugged it off. No matter how much she questions herself about the incident, her heart will tell her the same thing. She is in love with the fox. However, she didn't realize it until last night at that concert. Then, suddenly she kissed him.

     The bunny felt that she was moving too fast with this whole thing. She barely knew Nick, and he barely knew her.

     Judy had had enough of questioning her feelings. If it's meant to be, it will be.

     The bunny walked into the kitchen where her mom and dad were eating breakfast, her dad, as always, reading the morning newspaper,"Good Morning, guys," Judy said as he made herself a cup of coffee and grabbed a couple pieces of bread, putting them both into the toaster.

     "Mornin' Jude the Dude," Stu smiled,"How was your day yesterday?"

     "It was good."

     "Did Nick she you alot of the city? Maybe you found something that interested you," Bonnie said with a smile. She then noticed her daughter ears turn a shade of pink,"What did you do?"

     "Well, we started by going to a shake shack downtown which had the best shakes you will ever taste in your life. He then introduced me to an arcade that we had a blast at. We just cruised through the town, and there is actually more things in this town to do than I had thought. Then, mom this fox, did something that completely shocked me."
     "What was that?" The two older bunnies asked.

      "He actually got us tickets to a Gazzel concert."

     Stu smiled a little,"Oh yeah. If Nick actually got her into a Gazzel concert, then you can pretty much bet that I won."

     "What do you mean, dad?" Judy asked puzzled.

     "Your father has this idea in his mind that you would have kissed Nick by the end of the night."

     Judy hesitated a little, starting to blush more as she said,"I did."

     Bonnie and Stu both turned around,"You did? Are you and Nick a thing now?"

     Judy then sat down,"I think so. Look, I have grown to realize that not all foxes are the same, mom. And Nick..he is really different. I don't know...I feel like I can be myself around him. I can be vulnerable around him. It's crazy, I know. I spent a long time thinking about all of this, but I think I am in love with him."

     Stu smiled to his daughter,"I told you yesterday, Jude. Nick is a swell mammal, and If you like him alot, then I support you. Maybe give you a good reason to love this city."

     Judy nodded her head a little,"He also believes in my dream to become a cop. For the first time in my life, I found someone who will not laugh at my crazy idea."

     "If this fox really believes that you can do anything, and he will support you and your dream, then I'd say he's a good guy in my book," Bonnie smiled.

    "You gonna see him again today?" Stu asked.

     "Yeah, I wanted to meet him mom."

     "Well, good luck. Just let me have a moment alone with him before you go." Stu said with a grin.

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