Letting Go//END

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AN- The final chapter to this crazy story that i can assure will have a crazier sequel. I will leav all my comments for the end. 


 It had taken Judy a while to get over Nick, but with the help of her parents and Alice, the bunny was able to go back to the life she remembered in BunnyBurrow. She had decided that she was definatly going to finish highschool and become a cop. It was her dream, and she believed she could do it. Nick had also believed in her. Judy pushed that thought out of her head. Nick was gone for her life, and she hoped he would just stay gone.

The bunny did graduate, and after three more years, she went to the Zootopia Police Academy. She was a little on edge about going back to Zootopia, but a little voice in her head told her that this would be the best decision she could make. So, after she walked off the stage from graduation, Judy went home. She had a lot of Studying to do.


He couldn't do it. Nick was going to stay in school, graduate, and live the life he wanted, but it didn't work out that way. After he and Judy broke up, Nick was WAY down on his grades, and he was right back to where he was before Judy came into the picture.

Nick couldn't take it anymore and dropped out. The fox believed that he could get a job easily, but it kept failing him.

The fox was sitting on his bed, watching Finnick write down something he seemed to be really focused on.

"What are you doing over there? Nick asked.

Finnick grinned," I think I may have found and idea on how we can make $400 a day."

Nick raised a brow," What?"


Nick got up quickly and shook his head," No. NO. We can't do that."

Finnick raised a brow,"Why not?"

"Don't you see? If we do that, then we will the the very thing we have been labeled to be sense birth. Shifty, untrustworthy, cunning, no good. I promised my mom I wouldn't go down that path."

"It isn't illegal if we get a few permits," Finnick added," It's just bending the rules a little."

Nick shook his head," I am going to find me a job."

Finnick sighed," Look, man. I want that too. Trust me, this idea was the last thing I wanted to do, but me and you...we don't have a choice. Zootopia isn't the city it used to be."

Nick sighed," A week."


"I'll give a week," Nick said," If I do not have a job by then...you can count me in."

A week went by and Nick coud not get a job. He had tried so hard, but not a single mammal would take him. All because he was a fox. Nick could not believe that there wasn't a single place to take him, but he made a deal with Finnick," Ok," the fox said," What did you have in mind?"


AN- Here is the thing about a breakup. It hurts for a while, and at first, it seems like something you will never get through. At times, you think death would be the better option. Especially when you are so close to this person, and the rest of your whole life is planned out with this one person who you thought you would always claim as the love of your life. After a while, the pain goes away and is replaced with anger, the anger turns into nothing. Then there is the weird stage where you don't feel pain or anger. You can begin to go on with your day, but then the smallest thing happens to make you remember this person and it makes you feel....sad. You relive you best memories with this person and wish you could just go back in time and not make the mistake you made. You just want him/her back and it hurts so much to even think about.

Before my wife, I had a girlfriend. It was back when I was still a senior in highschool. I fell in love with a girl, and she fell in love with me. The moments when I was with her were the happiest moments of my life. Me and her had our lives planned. What we would do, where we would go, we even had ideas to get a dog of our own. I loved her so much. Then, after a year of dating, I made a mistake that resulted in me losing her. The night that it all happened was the worst night of my life. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't think. All I wanted was the vodka sitting in my dad's fridge, but even that left a bad taste in my mouth. The next week wasn't any easier. It is just like I explained earlier, something like this is hard to get through, and it almost drove me to suicide.

I am happy I didn't end it all because of her, though. Because I found someone who I love with all of my heart and I am about to have a family with her. I believe that God has a plan for all of us, and sometimes, the path he go isn't the path we want.

That is my message to you guys before I give the final 'Toodles' for this story. I hope you guys stick around, because the sequel will come soon.

We have had a lot of bumps along the way in this crazy story that has became one of my favorites, but this has nothing on what I have planned for the next story.

Hope you loved the story, because I enjoyed writing it. I love all of you. Never forget it. Till the next story.....


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