I'm not giving up on you.

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AN- So, after a fairly long break, I am ready to get back into action with my writing. Don't worry though, except for this wedding ring, I have not changed. Well, let's go ahead and get at it shall we?


There were cops all over the Hopp's farm, looking for anything that could help them get closer to finding out where Judy was. Except for the note, there was nothing. Nick had told the police of the call made to his phone the night prior, but that also came up as nothing.

Nick was sitting on the porch, his hands shaking and his head spinning. He wanted answers. He wanted Judy. He wanted the son of a bitch that took her.

The fox jumped a little when he heard a gruff voice say," You Nick Wilde?"

The fox looked up to see a large buffalo," Yeah."

"I am chief Bogo with the ZPD. I hear you and Judy were very close."

"She is my girlfriend."

Bogo nodded his head," Yes, that was said, just need conformation. The note you found...the name on it belong to your father, correct?"

Nick cringed a little, just thinknig about the fact that whatever was going on was because of that bastard," Yeah..." Was all Nick could gain the strength to say.

Bogo nodded his head," Look, we are doing all we can, son."

Nick didn't look the buffalo in the eye," Have you even started looking?"

"We are working on it."

"So I take that as a no?"

Bogo looked down," We must first understand what is happening. Then we will plan our next move."

Nick then stood up," And how much longer will that take? I mean, jesus, it has been five hours and you haven't made the first call. You haven't put up the first news report. The first missing persons flier. Nothing."

"Just hang tight," Bogo said as he turned and walked away, leaving the fox to deal with his emotions.

Nick sat back down, opening up his phone and pulling up a picture of him and Judy was a week ago. The fox didn't care who saw him. He didn't care if he looked weak. He didn't care about anything in that moment. He just let the tears roll down as he whispered Judy's name.


Judy woke up in the passenger seat of a large SUV, dried blood on her head from where her attacker, a hog sitting in the driver seat, knocked her out with a baseball bat. Her head hurt and she felt nauseous. The effects of the head trauma getting to her.

"Where am I?" the bunny asked in a low, scared voice.

The hog chuckled as he said," Oh, trust me dear, it won't matter. Once we get to Salvad, your little bunny butt will never see daylight again."

Judy shivered at the thought of what this hog was capable of. The coldness in his voice told Judy that this hog was ready to kill her at any moment," Why are you doing this?"

"That fox you hang around with is the reason I am doing this, sweetheart. I swore revenge after what his dad did to my family."

Judy's eyes went wide," Why Nick? He had nothing to do with his father's actions."

"Does that make a fucking difference? His father killed my wife and daughter, and sense Mr. John Wilde had to go and get himself killed, my only way of revenge is his little boy. His father took my world. Now, I take his."

Judy couldn't even speak. Her head was in a million different places. She looked around for a road sign. A street sign. Anything that could tell her where the hell she was, but the bunny couldn't see anything.

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