The Arcade

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AN-Really Long Chapter. But i just couldn't stop. My favorite chapter in this story thus far. Hands down.


 Judy got up from bed on Saterday morning and got dressed up for the day. She and Nick were going to hang out so Judy could see more of the city which she hadn't had time to do, and to be honest, the bunny was really excited.

So, the bunny sat down with her mom and dad at the table and started munching on some breakfast.

"So, what are your plans today?" Bonnie asked her daughter.

"Oh, nothing much. Me and Nick are going to hang out."

"Sounds like you will have some fun," Stu said.

Judy looked to her dad. Confused by what he said,"What do you mean?"

Stu just shrugged,"Nothing. If you want to have a fun day with your boyfriend, then I think you should enjoy yourself. You have been working ver hard-"

"Wait," Judy said, stopping her dad,"What do you mean 'boyfriend'? Me and Nick are not a thing."

Stu and Bonnie both raised a brow,"Really? I thought you were. I mean it has gotten to where he is all you talk about. I thought this was like a date."

Judy rolled her eyes,"Dad, Nick isn't my type, ok."

Stu shrugged once more,"Well, I do like him, andf if you were to get together, he would be a lot better than any bunny in the burrows."

Judy got up, done with the conversation that already had her blushing slightly,"Well, I better go. Love you guys."

"love you too," Bonnie and Stu said to their daughter as she walked out of the house.


Nick sat with his mom by her bed, munching on some eggs and talking to her. Nick enjoyed every moment he could spend with his mom, not knowing whether or not it could be his last,"So, your going out with that bunny girl today?" the vixen asked with a smile.

"Mom," Nick started,"'Going out' sounds like we are going on a date. We are just hanging out. I wanted to show her osme of the town."

"When to I get to meet her?" the vxen asked.

"Soon, mom. Soon."

The fox then heard Judy's truck pull into the yard and stood up,"Well, mom, I got to go. I love you, and if you need anything, just call."

"Ok," the vixen said,"Have fun."

The fox nodded his head and exited the house, walking to Judy who was sitting in the truck,"You ready, Slick?" the bunny said.

"Yes I am," Nick said, getting in the passenger seat.

The bunny then took off toward town,"So, where is our first stop?"

"Have you been to Grandell's? They have the best shakes in town."

"No I haven't," the bunny smiled,"Is it far?"

"No, it only like three blocks from the school. I'm surprised you haven't seen it."

The bunny shrugged as she drove into the city and finally found a cafe that said 'Grandell's shakes and bakes'.

"This is the place," Nick said, opening the door to the truck,"Shall we?"

"Indeed," Judy said, exiting the vehicle.

The two then walked into the cafe and sat down in a bench near the window,"How can I help you?" a female otter said with a smile.

"Yes," Nick said,"I would like the blueberry frosted shake, and my friend here, I am sure, would like the carrot float."

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