Chapter 1

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The battle raged on. One of the nasty droids pinned me to a wall, and my head smacked against concrete. Dazed, I snarled up at it, trying my best to look fierce when I knew I was anything but. One of the soldiers came up to me and held a gun to my temple....

Oh, wait. I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? Sorry, let me start again. From the beginning of all this madness.

My name is Kaylie. Kaylie Adkins. I just moved to New York with my dad on a job interview for the highest government official in T.C.R.I. Honestly, I was worried about him. I took one look at the building and my blood ran cold. It didn't look like a government office. It looked like a nasty science lab. With him as their next experiment.

I'd enrolled at Roosevelt High, taking up the opportunity to make new friends here in Manhattan. Nobody talked to me. I guess, being the new girl, you actually had to go up to people to see if they wanted you in their group. By lunchtime I was totally ticked. Being mad was the one thing that kept me away from breaking down in tears. Then I'd really be an outcast. Instead, I piled my tray with salad, a coke, a chocolate chip cookie, an apple, and a small slice of cheesecake. Then I started working on a place to sit. That's when three people came up to me. Two girls and a guy. Obviously older. They introduced themselves as April - a red-headed, blue-eyed, freckled, bubbly girl about sixteen with tan skin - , Casey - a black-haired boy with small brown eyes, pale skin and a sporty a vigilante look about him - , and Irma - a green-eyed, black-haired girl with purple streaks in her hair, purple framed glasses, and a look that suggested she thought talking to me was a bad idea.

I introduced myself in return, and they offered me to sit with them. I would have objected if it weren't for the fact that I was in no position to pass up a decent place to sit. Much less friends. I sat with them through lunch, and then they walked me to my next class - English Lit.

At the end of the day, I met up with them again. But before anything could really happen, April and Casey left, leaving me and Irma in their wake, wondering why.

That's when Irma started explaining that those two basically had a secret life with four secret friends they won't tell her about. And how they ditched her all the time. I knew she didn't want sympathy, so I suggested a pizza and coffee. She agreed, and we walked a few blocks to this pizza place that was REALLY close to her apartment. We sat down with a medium pizza and vanilla latte's and just got to know each other better.

A couple hours later, the pizza was gone as well as our latte's, it was almost midnight, and it was time for us both to be heading home. I offered to drop Irma off at her door.

Outside of her apartment, I waved good-bye to Irma, then spun on my heel and walked toward my building - three or four blocks from hers. There weren't really any people outside, which I've heard is unusual, even for this time of night. New York is usually packed with people. I tried not to look at it as creepy, and, instead, pulled out my iPod. I stuck one earbud in, so I could hear if anyone tried to kill me or something, and kept walking.

That's when things started to get weird.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a shadow. I gulped.

"This is ridiculous." I thought. "There's nothing there."

But something told me that what I saw was definitely real. And dangerous. I took a deep breath, turned off my iPod, and pressed myself to the shadows of a nearby building. I moved as silently as possible, trying to get a closer look. I peeked around the corner into an alley, and gasped.

There had to be at least three dozen guys cloaked entirely in black. One of them was having an important conversation with...a ROBOT??? Yeah that's pretty much the word for it. Well, what would you call cybernetic droids who look like they don't even belong to this world? Yeah. That's what I thought. Anyways.

The droids had a blue outer armor that exposed their circuitry to the world, and in their bellies there was a little compartment alien? Why am I not surprised? The alien creatures were pink and looked a little like oversized brains. One flaw though. They had EYES! And TENTACLES! I shuddered. Ew.

"The ones known as, the Turtles, will be destroyed by that which is the Mutagen in the unit of time known as, seven earth hour units." A droid was saying.

"What?" I whispered, confused. I took a step closer to hear better, and as I did, I heard a screech. My eyes shot down to see my foot stomping on a cat's tail. I gasped and raised my foot, then tried to hide away from the guys and robots in hopes that they didn't notice. They did.

"The earth girl has born what is known as witness to our plan which is known as 'Plan Twelve'." A droid said, walking toward me. "The earth girl must be eliminated."

I took a step back. Eliminated? For what? I put my hands up in a classic, "Don't Shoot!" pose.

"Whoa, whoa, guys," I took another step backwards. "Can't we just talk this out? How about this: I could just walk away safely out of this mess and pretend nothing happened. Deal?"

"I don't think so, honey." One of the guys in black said. He pulled out a dangerous-looking knife. A droid came up behind me and pinned my arms behind my back. The guy's knife pressed into my throat, hard enough that a single drop of blood emerged to the surface, sliding down my neck. He looked ready to drive the knife all the way through, when suddenly, four figures jumped into battle, one of them shouting something I didn't understand. One of them knocked out the guy in front of me. My hero was too hidden in the shadows for me to see him clearly, but emerald green eyes seemed to smile at me from the darkness. I gave him a small, shy smile in return. Behind me, I heard the sound of metal slicing through metal, and my wrists slid free. I turned around to see the droid sliced in half, and the little blob I saw inside of it gone. Another pair of eyes - these midnight blue, like the sky rolled up into two beautiful orbs - looked at me with worry and concern. Silently asking if I was okay. I flashed him a grin and a thumbs-up. Those eyes lit up with happiness and satisfaction before jumping off into battle. I smiled after them.

The battle raged on. Sparks flew. One of the droids shoved me into a wall, causing my head to smack into concrete. A hot liquid ran down the back of my head. Dazed, I snarled up at it, trying to look fierce when I knew I really looked like anything but. One of the soldiers came up with a gun and held it to my temple.

"Another move and the girl gets it!" He barked. I glared at him. Everyone froze. I saw three pairs of eyes. The midnight ones that saved me earlier, a pair so blue they were like ice, and a pair of chocolate brown tinged with red. So where were the emerald green ones?

I heard a battle cry come from above, and the guy holding the gun was knocked to the ground. A sharp, three-pointed Japanese dagger was jammed into the droid's throat, and it collapsed, the pink blob escaping from its compartment and squealing on its way out of the alley. My savior was now bathed in moonlight and I now saw that he was not human. He was a giant TURTLE! You know, at this point, that's to be expected. I smiled at him. He looked a little shocked to see me NOT freaking out, but returned my smile. He had forest green skin with a red bandana tied around his head, the tails battered, worn, and ripped. He was strong - that much I could see - and he had a crack in the top right corner of his shell shaped exactly like a lighting bolt....and he was relatively handsome for a turtle. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off. I stumbled, the pain in my head getting worse, and a new pain in my thigh starting to kill me. I looked down to see a knife sticking out of my leg. I gasped and fell to the ground, landing hard. I blacked out.

The last thing I heard was, "Raph! Pick her up! Get her to the lair, NOW!"

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