Chapter 4

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April showed me her old room last. It was a guest room put into the same hallway as the boys' bedrooms, right next to Leo's. Really!?
I have to admit, despite everything being the wrong color - pink -, it wasn't half bad. While the boys had curtains hiding the doors (or nothing hiding the doors), April had put up beads that she'd spray painted pink. Inside, she had totally made everything her own style.
Sitting in the far right corner of the room was her bed, totally decked out in pink sheets, with a little of her stuff piled on it. A couple school books, an open spiral notebook, a pencil, and an iPod. She'd been studying. Sitting beside that was a little side table with two coasters, a pink lamp, and an alarm clock. Pink of course. Sitting against the left wall was a bookshelf, used for movies, CD's, tapes, a few stuffed animals, and her phone. On top of it sat a TV similar to the one in the living room, and beside that, a lava lamp. Okay, pink or not, I never see those anymore. I'm keeping that.
Tucked into the far left corner was a dresser, the only thing painted white. Resting on its smooth surface, were a few photos of her and Irma, her and her dad, a pic of her, Irma, and Casey, and one picture of her and the Turtles. I smiled at it.
"So what do you think?" April's voice startled me out of my fantasy world. I grinned at her.
"It's amazing." I took another look around. She caught my glance, and laughed.
"Don't worry. I'm gonna clear out all my stuff, get you paint - your color choice - and help you redecorate."
I nodded and took another look around. I spotted the lava lamp.
"Can I keep that?" I pointed to it an gave April my best puppy dog eyes. She giggled.
"Yeah, sure."
"Thanks!" I took a step back to examine the room from another angle. "When can we start redecorating?"
"Right now, just tell me what color of paint you want!"


By the time the Turtles got back from patrol, I had redecorated April's entire room. I gave her some of my pocket money - eighty bucks - to help out, then asked her to get sky blue paint, white paint, baby blue spray paint, CD's including Skillet, Eminem, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, Ariana Grande, Selah, Chris Tomlin, Britt Nicole, and Miranda Lambert, then asked her to get me Adam Sandler movies, comedy movies, action movies, horror movies, and just movies in general, then blue sheets, clothes for me, lunch for both of us, and a few books. When she got back, we went straight to work, munching a little on the Subway she got us.
Her pink bookshelf was now white, the bedside table blue, the walls blue, the alarm clock spray painted blue, the lamp painted white, and my new movies and CD's occupying the bookshelf, April's stuff cleared away and packed. My new clothes were now packed into the drawers, and the beads outside were sprayed blue. I was officially happy.
"Helllllooooo???" Mikey's voice. "Anybody home?"
Me and April came giggling out of the room hall, carrying her stuff to take back to her apartment. We set it on the living room floor and looked at the guys.
"We spent the entire time redecorating my room." April gestured to the stuff at her feet.
"Now it looks like my actual room." I spoke up. "You know, the one back at my apartment."
"Well, I'm glad you feel at home here, Kaylie." Leo smiled at me, making me blush. Except this time, there was no way to hide it, so I just nodded and looked away.
"Okay, well, I'm gonna call Casey and tell him to get down here and help me with these boxes." April announced, pulling out her phone.
"Good call." I said. Wait a sec... "Hold on, you're saying CASEY'S their friend, too?"
"Is that a problem?" April asked.
"No," I huffed. "I just didn't expect to be hanging out with Casey more than I had to."
April shushed me, then began talking into the phone. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, did Splinter say if you could start training with us or not?" Raph asked me, his green eyes questioning.
"Yeah, Splinter told us..." Donnie began. I cut him off.
"He asked if I would train with him and I accepted." I summed up. Raph nodded and Donnie grinned.
"When your wounds heal, I hope." Leo put in, crossing his arms and eyeing my bandages worriedly. I smiled at him and nodded.
"Yeah. When they heal."
"Dudes, this is gonna be so EPIC! Just think about it! Another girl on the team 'be AWESOME!" Mikey exclaimed, a little over-excitedly.
"You had an individual thought?" Donnie questioned. I laughed.


"Awe YEAH! Movie night!" Mikey pumped his fist in the air and sat on the couch, throwing a handful of popcorn into his mouth. April giggled and sat down in between Donnie and Casey, grabbing a pillow and holding it to her chest. Raphael popped in a movie called "Happy Gilmore", and sat on the floor. Leo was sitting next to me, and Splinter even decided to join us.
I don't know when, but at some point during the movie, I found a blanket and used Leo as a pillow, wanting him to put an arm around me. But before he could do anything, I drifted off to sleep...


Leo's P.O.V

She just looked so cute when she was sleeping. I wanted to put my arm around her, but I had no idea how she'd respond to that. Everyone else was already drifting off to sleep. Splinter nodded at me, then walked into the Dojo for his "Before Bed Meditating". I was yawning myself.
"Bedtime." I decided. I looked at Kaylie. Her blonde hair had fallen in her face, and she was snuggled up close to me, making me blush.
Somehow, I managed to pick Kaylie up bridal style without waking her. I carried her to her new room. It was nice. Blue and white. A beautiful room for a beautiful girl.
I laid Kaylie down under her comforter and brought the blankets to her chin. Then, I perched myself on the edge of the bed, watching as she turned onto her side, facing me. I smiled. Without thinking, I moved her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. I blushed, then walked out of the room.

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