Chapter 10

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We got back to the lair at around one in the morning, Leo's hand on my waist, both of us happier than usual. After we kissed, Leo asked if it meant we were together now. I had pretended to think about it for a few agonizing seconds, before finally saying yes.

Now I lay tossing and turning in bed wondering what I did to deserve someone like Leo.


I woke up to music. My music. I sat up and spotted April, jumping around to the beat of my Skillet CD. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her. She turned the radio down.

"'Morning, chick." She smiled. "Guess what Leo told me..."

My heart skipped a beat. He TOLD her? Why? I decided to play it cool.

"What'd he tell you?" I asked, trying my best to sound nonchalant when I was anything but.

"He said that you were getting a lot better in training. I think he liked what he saw."

"Oh, really?" I breathed a silent sigh of relief, still unable to hide my blush.

"Yep." April leaned against the wall and raised her eyebrows at me. "Anybody would think you guys were, like, in love or something."

I glared at her and grabbed clothes from my drawers. "I'm gonna go change now."

She giggled. "Have fun. I'll meet you at breakfast."

"Cool." And I headed to the bathroom.

I'd settled on jean-shorts, my black-and-white converse, and a white muscle shirt that showed off my curves.

Everyone was in the kitchen, even Sensei. Today's breakfast was scrambled eggs, bacon, and...yeah that's it. Bacon and eggs. I grabbed a plate, filled it, and took a seat beside Leo.

"Hey." He murmured a greeting.

"'Morning!" I smiled. I looked at Sensei. "Master Splinter, would you like me to make tea?"

"That would be nice." Sensei nodded. I got up, but Leo was holding my forearm. I looked at him.

"I'll do it." He smiled.

"But I-" I pointed to the stove as Leo got up and gently pushed me back down.

"I'll do it." He repeated. He checked to make sure no one was looking, then kissed my cheek. "I'll be right back."

I watched him go to the stove, then shrugged and focused on my food.

"So Mikey, any new updates on the video games?" I asked. Mikey nodded vigorously.

"Yeah! Me and Casey went digging around an old junkyard yesterday and we found two X-box games and one Wii game!" He announced.

"Awe yeah, up top!" I lifted my hand in the air and Mikey smacked it. "What about you, Donnie? What's new?" I turned to Donnie and rested my elbows on the table.

"Fixed Raph's bike yesterday and I started working on a T-phone for you this morning." Don flashed me a gap-toothed grin.


"Which reminds me, I need your favorite color."

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"When you're in trouble, we track your T-phone on my computer, and your favorite color of dot appears on the screen, telling us your exact location." He explained.

"Oh. Well then, baby blue."

Donnie gave me a thumbs up and went back to eating.

"Okay, Raph. Let's hear it." I crossed one leg over the other and focused on Raphael. "Who's heads did you and Casey bust?"

"First, we skipped last night, and second, how'd you know about that?" Raph sipped his orange juice.

"I told her." Leo said, setting hot tea in front of Sensei, me, and himself.

"Thanks." I told him, taking a sip. Raph grunted and went back to his food, ignoring me completely. I rolled my eyes.

"So, how's Leo been?" I poked Leo's shoulder as I asked him, even though I know exactly how he's been. He gave me a really cute smile.

"Fantastic." He winked at me.

"Hey, we're going on patrol tonight, right?" April questioned, giving Donnie her phone to charge. Leo nodded.

"Can we bring Kaylie along?" Mikey gave Leo his best puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"Yeah, please?" I mimicked Mikey's expression and leaned on Leo's arm. He looked ready to say no, but instead he sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Sure." He replied, grinning at me. I jumped up and pumped my fist in the air.

"Yes!" I yelled, giving April a high five.

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