Chapter 12

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"Now, just a warning, Donnie said he spotted some heavy-"

"Foot Clan activity in this area, yes, I know, Leo, you've 'warned' me more than ten times already!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. We'd been out on patrol for at least two hours, and we just now stopped to catch our breath on a rooftop in the east side of New York, and since we arrived, Leo hasn't STOPPED TALKING!

He have me an annoyed look. What now? HE was annoyed with ME!? Oh, no no no. I think it's the other way around.

"Look, I'm just trying to keep you safe, okay? I don't think I could live with myself if I lost you." He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head. I sighed.

"But do you really have to tell me twenty times?" I ask, letting out a giggle. He pulled away and gave me a puzzled look.

"I thought it was ten?"

"No, I said, OVER ten." I smirked.

"Okay! Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff, you're making me SICK!" Raph snapped. We laughed. Leo and me had explained we were together on the way over here, and Raph was the only one who didn't seem to approve. I guess I'll talk to him later, but for now...

I kissed Leo's cheek, enjoying seeing him turn red.

"Shh, quiet," Donnie whispered, leaning over the side of the roof. "Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Mikey questioned, looking around. Then I smelled And it wasn't just the fact that I was standing next to sweaty teen boys.

"Me-OW! Get 'em!" A girls' voice commanded. In seconds, we were surrounded by the Foot Clan. Leo gently pushed me behind him as the boys formed a protective circle around me. As if I couldn't protect myself. I silently growled.

Two girls stepped out of the shadows, one with long, straight, ash black hair and dark green eyes, the other with twilight purple curls and red eyes. Both of them half cat.

"Well, that was easier than expected." The black-haired one giggled. The other nodded and grinned.

"Wait till Master finds out how easy this really was!"

"He'll be so pleased!"

The two locked hands and jumped around, giggling.

"Master?" I heard Donnie muse.

"Easy!?" Raph growled.

"Master who?" Leo asked, unsheathing his swords. I silently pulled out my own Kodachi sword, preparing for a fight.

"Master Shredder, of course." The red-eyed one looked offended that we didn't immediately guess their "Master"'s name.

"Duh." Mikey whispered.

"No one has to get hurt." Leo said.

"Of course not!" The green-eyed one gave us a sly smile. "All you have to do is turn yourselves in and reveal your Master to us..."

"Then we'll take you to Shredder and be on our way." Purple-curls finished.

"And what's in it for you?" I ask, peeking at them over Leo's shoulder. He elbowed me and I shut my mouth. The girls looked at each other.

"MONEY!!!" They chirped. I sighed.

"Of course." I whisper.

"Shut it!" Raph whisper-shouted at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"There's no way we're giving up without a fight!" Donnie snapped, positioning himself into a fighting stance.

"Hmm," Black-hair mused. "Very well."

The girls moved into protective stances.

"Foot!" Purple-curls yelled. "Attack!"

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