Chapter 9

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The lair was asleep. But I lay awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling. I waited. After what seemed like forever, my alarm clock screamed nine-o'-clock. I grinned and slammed the snooze button before throwing back the covers. I had on a loose sleeveless shirt and faded shorts that I'd cut from too-short jeans with a thick brown belt over my bikini. Thank you April. I slipped on a pair of white flip-flops, grabbed my towel and snuck out the door.

Leo was waiting for me at the exit, his own towel draped around his neck, looking a little nervous. I smiled and tossed my towel over my shoulder.

"Ready?" I asked. He gave me a nod.

"More ready than I thought I was gonna be, to be honest." He chuckled. I giggled, then gestured for him to lead the way.

On the surface, Leo moved the manhole cover aside and helped me out.

"So where's this deserted pool you told me about?" He asked, smiling.

"The corner between Delancey and Elmore." I replied, pointing north. "Hurry before someone sees us."

We arrived at the pool by rooftops in under three minutes. I don't know about Leo, but I had a major case of the butterflies. I was way nervous. The gate was locked, of course, but I instructed Leo to give me a boost, and climbed over the chain-link fence. The moonlight shone on the surface of the water, and the blue underwater lights shone. It was a truly beautiful scene.

"Here we are." I announced. I tossed my towel on a lawn chair and waited. Leo dropped down on this side of the fence.

"Wow," he breathed.


He took my hand. "Come on!" He began guiding me to the water.

"Wait!" I stopped. He let go.


I held up my finger, then kicked off my flip flops and stripped down to my bathing suit. He blushed.

"Okay." I giggled and dived into the deep end. My head popped out of the water, and I giggled as I tried to stay afloat. I didn't see Leo anywhere.

"Where'd he-" I was cut off by my own squeal as Leo popped out of the water, grabbing my waist and lifting me into the air. When my feet touched the water again, I squirmed out of his grasp and dove back under. I came up again, only to be met with a splash to my face. I gasped and splashed Leo back, giggling. Leo laughed and tackled me. I was back underwater, so I swam away from Leo and came up behind him. I jumped on his back, laughing so hard, I could barely breathe.

After three hours of playing around and having a really good time, Leo led me under a small rock waterfall with a small ledge to sit on.

"There's something I've been meaning to show you." He murmured. I didn't notice that he was leaning in until the last second, when his lips pressed against mine. After getting over the shock that LEO was KISSING me (and my blush), my lips parted, and I kissed him back, the sound of water hitting water in the background. We broke apart and pressed our foreheads together.

"You don't know how long I've wanted that." I whispered.

He grinned at me.

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