Chapter 2

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I woke up on a couch. A black, plush blanket covered my body, and an even plusher pillow was set under my head. My head throbbed and my thigh ached, but I sat up anyway. I was in a living room area. That much was clear. And judging by the smell, I was in the sewers. In front of me was a small 24-inch TV with antennae snaking out of it, reaching upward to get as much signal as possible. Beside it was a small box of DVD's and tapes for movie nights, and in front of that, a small stack of CD's. On the other side were game consoles - a Wii, a PS4, and an X-Box 360 - with games and comics stacked high beside it. The floor was littered with empty pizza boxes, Coke bottles, and candy wrappers. Set up around the room were two arcade games and a pinball machine. Behind the TV and to its left was a small pool of sewer water coming from a drainage pipe and above it, a tire swing. Looks fun. Behind that, elevated off the ground with stairs attached to the side, was a large room separated from this one by Japanese screens. But I could see the shadows of who I guessed were the Turtles that saved me and a teenage girl. So they have a human friend? Cool, I guess.

To my right were two steps leading to what I guessed was a kitchen, and to the left of that was a hallway leading...somewhere. I'll learn eventually. I twisted around. Behind me were two giant metal doors. Maybe it was a garage?

To my left was what was obviously an exit. I didn't wanna leave - I just got here! - but I couldn't just sit here either. I stood up, wincing at the pain in my leg.

"I should look around..." I murmured to myself, just to put some noise into the vacant room. I checked my surroundings, wondering where to go first.

The kitchen seemed like an obvious choice, since I was starving - my last meal was the one with Irma, who knows how long ago. Instead, I made my way over to the tire swing. I stopped at the boys' comic collection and picked the first one off the pile. "Mutants' Return". How appropriate.

Getting into the tire swing wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be. I managed to get into a really comfortable position facing the living room, and get really into the comic. So into it that I didn't realize that six people had walked into the room.

"Kaylie?" April's voice startled me out of the comic's world and back into reality. I squinted at her, as if I was seeing things.

"April?" I mimicked her confused and shocked tone just for effect. I climbed off the tire swing and set the comic back on top of the pile. She squealed and ran toward me, throwing her arms around my neck. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't expect to see you again so soon!" April gushed, guiding me back over to the couch.

"Yeah, me neither." I said, smiling.

"You know her?" A guy's voice made us both jump, even though we both knew who was there. I looked up to see the red-masked Turtle whom I saw earlier, and three more standing beside him. The one that had spoken was the one with dark blue eyes. He had a blue mask, green skin, and two swords strapped to his back. He appeared oldest, despite being third tallest.

Another had chocolate brown eyes tinged with red, and a purple mask with long tails. He was obviously the tallest, he had a Bo Staff strapped to his back, and had olive green skin. He had an intelligent look about him.

The last had ice blue eyes and an orange mask with short tails. He had yellow-green skin and red-and-yellow nunchucks strapped at his sides, and he was the shortest. He gave me a cheeky grin, and that's when I noticed the light sprinkle of freckles across his nose. I smiled back.

"Yes, I know her." April responded, lightly punching me in the shoulder. "Right, Kaylie?"

"Yeah." I said. Then, I noticed the rat. That's right - a rat. A six foot, brown, black, and white rat with a Maroon red Kimino and a green staff. Though I'm not disgusted nor surprised.

The blue-clad Turtle stepped up.

"My name is Leonardo. I really prefer Leo though." He held out his hand. I smiled and shook it.

"Kaylie Adkins." I introduced. Leo nodded and gestured to the Turtles behind him.

He pointed to the one in red. "That's Raphael - or Raph -,"

Raph nodded at me.

"That one's Donatello,"

The one in purple flashed me a grin, and I noticed he had a front tooth missing. I waved shyly.

"Please, call me Donnie." Donatello said, a hint of a blush on his cheeks. I nodded.

"And that's Michelangelo." Leo finished, pointing to the orange-clad one.

"Call me Mikey." Michelangelo held out his hand. I took it and we shook.

"Nice to meet you." I said. I looked at the rat, curious. Leo caught my stare.

"That's Master Splinter. We usually call him 'Sensei', which translates to 'Teacher' in Japanese, even though he's more like our father." Leo explained. I nodded in understanding.

"Please, tell us about you." The ra - er - Master Splinter told me, gesturing for his, um, sons to sit down.

"Of course." I agreed and prepared to tell them my origin.

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