Chapter 17

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Twilight crossed her arms, unable to believe that her master would fight so mercilessly. She stole a glance at her sister. Could Ashen have been right? Could Shredder really be the bad guy? Surely it wasn't true, right? She sighed and focused on the fight once more. The Shredder was winning. But he was using weapons while the rat was defenseless. All the more reason to believe Ashen's reasoning. Also, the blue-clad Turtle really caught her eye. In fact, she was staring at him now, admiring him from afar.

Ashen poked her side, snapping her out of her love-sick trance. Twilight turned her attention to her sister, wondering what was so important.

"Let's free them." She heard Ashen whisper.

"Are you crazy?" She hissed back, even though she was considering it herself. "Shredder'd have our heads!"

"Then let's go with them."

"He'd find us, he always does."

"Not if we're living with them."


"Shredder never did know where the Turtles' lair was. We can hide out there until he stops looking."

Twilight looked away, turning back to the Turtles. Ashen was right. This was wrong. Twilight sighed and began slowly walking toward the chained mutants, trying not to catch Shredder's eye.


I watched as the two girls slowly dispersed from their post an worked their way toward us. As soon as they approached us, they ripped off our chains and directed us to the nearest exit. I stood my ground and crossed my arms.

"I'm not leaving without Splinter." I whispered. The girls facepalmed in unison. They looked at each other, then the black-haired girl creeped up beside Splinter and threw a smoke bomb in Shredder's face. And then we all disappeared.


"Why are you doing this?" I asked as I climbed onto the roof, Splinter in tow. The red-eyed girl looked back at me.

"We have finally realized the truth. Shredder is a ruthless, merciless demon, and we refuse to serve him anymore."

I smiled. If I couldn't detect lies, I'd have been questioning them by now, but my powers tell me that she's telling me the truth.

The lair was peaceful and quiet, as expected, and we led the girls to the living room. They introduced themselves as Twilight and Ashen, mutate sisters when they were just toddlers, and left to die. Shredder found them, and raised them as weapons, not girls. That must've sucked.

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