Chapter 14

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I was awake, yet I didn't open my eyes. I don't think I have the strength to even lift my head. Wherever I was, the floor was cold and hard, and, by any means? Dark. I opened my eyes as far as slits. No use. The room was pitch black. My head throbbed, and I could feel bruises all over my body, maybe even a gash here and there. I know there are people here. I can feel their presence. That's when memories come flooding back to me. The two girls, the ambush, the tazers....Leo.

Leo. Where was he? His brothers? Where? Then common sense hits me. Duh. Super senses. I tried to focus. I summoned my strength and lifted myself into a painful sitting position, my eyes adjusting to the point where I could see, not everything, but better than I would have if I was human. Not a small room, but not exactly a luxury sweet either. Stone walls, no windows, no light, one door. This was a cell.

"Leo?" I whispered into the darkness, trying to identify the shapes around me. I heard a pained moan off to my left and crawled toward it. My blue-clad beau was lying on his back, fighting to wake up. There were bruises all over his body and his shell was scratched. I smelled blood. No. Oh, God, no!

My hands were shaking. My mind went into pure rage mode, my vision blurred. I knew I needed to calm down, but I couldn't help it. They had hurt the one I loved!

The sound of creaking metal snapped me out of it. I turned to see Shredder standing in front of the cell, half hidden in shadow like the demon he was.

"And what do you want?" I snapped.

"I want to put an end to you, the Turtles, and their rat master. Didn't they tell you?" Shredder's deep voice startled me, but not enough to make me cower. Instead, I stood up and walked toward him. I wrapped my hands around the metal bars and glared at him.

"You'll NEVER defeat us." I hissed. "By now, Master Splinter knows we're missing, and he'll come straight here."

"That's what I'm counting on." He gave me a wicked, sick smile and laughed like a maniac.

"Just you wait Shredder. Splinter's going to kick your-"

"ENOUGH!" Shredder snapped. But that was all he said before walking off into the darkness.

As soon as he was gone, I ran back to Leo's side and took his hand in mine.

"Kaylie...?" He rasped. I gently shushed him.

"Hold still." I whispered. I closed my eyes and pressed my hand to his chest, gathering my energy. I could feel his wounds healing under my fingers, his strength returning while mine faded. When he was healed, I collapsed, blacking out once more.

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