Chapter 8

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The day dragged by in a blur. A stressful, serial blur. We all had training immediately after breakfast, but the entire four or five hours, all we did was practice kata stances and a tiny bit of defensive techniques. Me and Leo kept sneaking glances at each other during our breaks and even once or twice during kata practice, neither of us able to wait any longer for tonight to get here. I could tell that he was just as excited as I was.

April pulled me to the side after training.

"Okay, what's the deal?" She asked. I blushed.

"What're you talking about?"

"Oh, come on!" She nudged me in the ribs. "I saw those looks you were giving Leo! You totally like him."

"And your point is?" I grabbed a water bottle from her and started walking toward the kitchen.

"My point is, are you two together or what?"

I choked on my water, my face flaming. I glared at her.

"No, we're not." I choked out.

"Then?" She took a sip from her own water bottle. I was tempted to tip it upward, just enough to choke her.

"He asked me out." I said instead, which, surprisingly had the same effect on her.

"And, what did you say?" She asked, her eyes wide and excited. I smiled.

"I said yes."

We looked at each other, then squealed in unison.

"Hey, what's the gossip all about?" Raphael came up to us, scaring us both to the point of squeaking. I glared at him.

"None of your business." I snapped. Raph help up his hands in an "I Surrender" pose.

"Okay, okay. Oh, and April. Casey called for you." He held up his T-phone - a device I was recently introduced to - and tossed it to April. She caught it and gave me a "We'll Talk Later" look before dialing and walking to the living room.

"And she runs off, forgetting that she has her own phone." Raph grumbled after her. I gave him a confused look and pushed his shoulder.

"Then why'd you give yours to her?" I asked. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, thinking.

"Good question," he finally said. I laughed and kept walking toward the kitchen.


"Whiskey in My Water" played loud from the purple-and-white stereo Donnie made. It was already pretty loud, but I turned it up anyway. I spotted Donnie, doing something on his laptop, Mikey, playing a video game on his phone, Raph sat down....but Leo was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Leo?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Picking up the pizza." Donnie replied.

"Why?" Mikey quizzed, not looking up but still giving me a sly smile.

"No reason." I said a little too fast. Donnie blinked at me. Just as a blush was creeping to my cheeks, a voice interrupted our little moment.

"Pizza's here!" Leo announced, setting three large pizza boxes on the table.

"Yes, I'm STARVING!" Mikey drew out the last word to emphasize just how "STARVING" he really was. I rolled my eyes. Raph opened the first box. Pepperoni, black olives, anchovies. I wrinkled my nose and walked to the fridge, pouring myself a glass of sweet tea.

"Kaylie, don't you want any pizza?" Leo asked, gesturing to the boxes.

"I don't like anchovies..." I explained, taking a sip of tea.

"Oh, um..." Leo pulled the last box out from the pile and opened it. Pepperoni and sausage. I grinned and grabbed a slice.

"How'd you know?" I asked, taking a bite.

"I didn't. April doesn't like anchovies either." Leo gave me a sheepish smile, as if apologizing for not asking me about this little fact.

"Which is why we're best friends." I mumbled around the mouthful of food. He smiled and kept eating.

"Hey, guys." April walked into the kitchen, turning the radio down. "Casey's on his way over. Something about video games with Raph and Mikey...?"

Mikey and Raph looked at each other. They obviously forgot. Mikey inhaled the rest of his pizza and went to set up the X-box. Raph followed, leaving the rest of his pizza behind. I'd only eaten two slices, but I was already full. The sight of Leo had almost made me choke. Why'd he have to be so cute? I sighed and slid onto the table, legs dangling over the side. Leo leaned toward me, like he had this big secret to share.

"We still have a date tonight, right?" He whispered. My face flamed as I nodded. I jumped down from the counter. I so needed a shower. But before I left, I leaned over and kissed Leo on the cheek, just to see HIM turn red for a change.

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