Chapter 5

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I woke up in my room. Strange enough because I distinctly remember falling asleep on the couch...or more specifically, on Leo. I yawned and sat up, raising my arms above my head to stretch them out a bit. I threw the covers back and went to my drawers. I pulled out a blue tank top with the words "Party Like Never Before" printed on it in bold black letters, and a pair of short jean shorts. I looked around and found my black and white Converse All-Star high tops. Probably should have asked April for a mirror.
I walked into the hallway with my clothes and went straight for the bathroom. I changed, then looked in the mirror hanging above the sink. My hair was waist-length and blonde, my eyes were sky blue, and my skin was tanned, like April's. I was only 5"3 and I weighed 93 pounds. I have my Mom's curves, and her straight hair. I sighed at my reflection and walked back to my room, putting yesterday's clothes on the bed. I grabbed a hair tie from my bedside table and finger-brushed my hair into a ponytail. Then I walked into the kitchen.
As it turns out, I was the last one up. The smell of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and syrup filled the air as I sat down. Mikey stood at the stove, flipping another pancake and humming to a song I couldn't identify.
"'Morning, Kaylie." Leo greeted me with a smile. I blushed but covered it up by distracting him with a question.
"Where are April and Casey?" I asked.
"You just missed 'em." Raph said, sitting down beside me.
"Yeah, they left earlier." Donnie added, sitting in front of me. "April told me to tell you good luck in training."
"That's today!?" I asked, my eyes widening.
"Depends," Leo sat on my other side and handed me a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice. "How's your leg?"
I blinked. I'd almost forgotten about my injuries because they'd stopped hurting sometime last night...or yesterday...I'm still confused on the time here.
"It's fine. I don't even feel it anymore." I reported, shoveling a forkful of eggs into my mouth.
"That's odd," Donnie mused, taking a sip from his coffee mug. "A wound that deep should at least still be stinging."
I shook my head. "It's like it's not even there."
"I'd better take a look at it before training starts. Just to be sure. That okay?"
The thought of Donnie - whether I liked him or not - seeing past the line where my shorts stopped made me blush like nothing ever has...well, except for Leo. Still, I nodded anyway. He had a point. The knife was almost all the way in. It should still be hurting. Instead, I don't think it's even there.
"Okay, dudes, who wants another pancake?" Mikey asked, turning around.
"Depends," I eyed the pancake resting in its pan. "What kind is it?"
"Blueberry." Mikey responded, giving me a knowing grin. I don't think I've ever blushed so much in my life.
"Gimme it!" I held out my now empty plate and Mikey tossed the sweet breakfast treat on it. I looked at Leo.
"Syrup?" I asked.
"Over there." Leo pointed with his fork to the little bottle of hot syrup in the middle of the table. I grabbed it and drizzled it over my pancake. I shoved a piece into my mouth.
"So," I said between bites. "About this training thing."
"Master Splinter will assign you a weapon depending on which one you're better with. Then he'll train you to use that weapon as well as working on hand-to-hand combat." Leo explained, getting up and dropping his plate in the sink. "Who's turn for dishes?"
"Mine," Donnie got up and turned on the hot water, waiting for it to heat up.
"Later on, if you're lucky, you'll eventually get to spar face-to-face with us." Raph gave me a teasing wink. "That is, if you're not scared..."
"I'm NOT scared." I stood up, popping the last piece of pancake into my mouth. "You should be, though." I remarked, brushing past him as I went to the sink. He gave me a playful glare.
"So," I clapped my hands together and looked back and forth between the three boys who weren't working. "Who wants to entertain me while Einstein here is washing dishes?"
"ME!!!" Mikey and Leo shouted in unison. I blinked, then giggled.
"Let's play video games!" Mikey suggested enthusiastically. Leo rolled his eyes, but didn't object. Instead, he looked at me for approval. I nodded.
"'Kay, let's go!" I said, smiling at both of them. Mikey bounced toward the living room, and Leo started to follow, but I stopped him. He looked back at me, confused. I gave him a smirk.
"You're going down." I whispered. He grinned and I walked ahead of him.
"I don't think so." Leo murmured in my ear before bolting towards the couch. I laughed and ran after him, catching up a split second too late. We collapsed together on the sofa, laughing and grabbing one Wii remote each.
"What're we playing, Mikey?" Leo asked, giving him a suspicious look.
"Mario Kart." Mikey responded, not looking at us as he set up the game console. I gasped.
"No way! I love that game!" I squealed.
"Oh, yeah?" Leo smiled that really cute smile and made me blush again. "Stop being cute", I thought, but I grinned back anyway and nodded.
"Well, I hope you're good at it, then." Leo smirked and turned on his controller. I turned mine on. "'Cause you're about to loose big time."
"We'll just see about that." I poked his arm as Mikey got the game working. He sat down on my other side.
"You're both gonna get creamed." Mikey laughed. The race started, and I literally had more fun than I thought possible.

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