(A Little Extra Background)

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As many of you, my audience, may know, I wrote "Endless Love" when I was thirteen, fresh to Wattpad, eager to share my ideas with people that shared my love for the show. What remained hidden, however, was the fact that, in my desperation to keep pushing out published parts, I left the plot of this book loose and unplanned. Two characters were introduced for the pure sake of adding an interesting plot twist, named Twilight and Ashen, names I'm not particularly proud of, names later changed to Gina and Alex.

  Because of the zero explanation behind such random characters, I decided (five or six years later) to flesh them out and give you all a reason for their existence. Except, even after days of planning, I can't really figure out a way to fit it all into the sequel; then the book wouldn't be about Kaylie anymore, if it even really still is.

  And so I approach you - cautiously - with this: a dedicated side-part filling in the holes of my story. To be fair, I'm leaving some parts out, but only because they'll be included in the sequel. Also, please keep in mind that the stories take place around mid-second season.

  I'll start, of course, with Miss Alex and Gina Tyton, twin girls from upper New York living in a perfect, loving household near the city. At the age of thirteen, the two girls were kidnapped from their bedrooms by a gang of twelve, thugs and Kraang droids alike; both parents were shot in front of their eyes, and, stunned, they were dragged to the Kraang's base HQ in New York City. When experimentation began, the aliens focused physical mutations (a change of hair, eye, and skin color, as if testing a camouflage formula) on Gina, and internal mutations (speed, agility, mind manipulation) on Alex. The pieces of Alex that loved her family, that possessed empathy, were cut from her mind, turning her into a revenge-driven soldier. However, when "rescued" by the Foot Clan a few months later (bought from the Kraang by the Shredder as sort of indentured assassins), she managed to keep her lack of emotion hidden, using what memory of emotion she had left, as well as mimicking Gina's own expressions, as a mask.

  Gina, on the other hand, crumpled against losing her family, for what she thought was for good. With her brain still intact and functioning, the image of her parents' deaths remained fresh in her mind, even as her body was being manipulated and tortured. The entire endeavor left her broken, disoriented, left with nothing and no one other than her sister to anchor her. She followed Alex's every move, lying to the Shredder about where they came from, keeping her true identity from him under Alex's influence, staying by Alex's side in all but loyalty. Alex believed they owed Shredder their lives. Gina only collected Shredder's stolen money so that she and her sister could one day buy out Shredder's contract, or escape to another state. When the Turtles came into play, Gina saw opportunity, and convinced her sister to switch sides. And, well.. the rest you know.

  The final hole in the story I'd like to address is Kaylie's own upbringing; I went back to read this book and noticed two things: 1) she is ridiculously over powered, and 2) her father is rarely mentioned, even though she's supposed to be worried about him and vise versa. But then I figured out why.

  Kaylie's mother "left" in the middle of a Texas storm when she was three years old. What she doesn't know is that her mother was killed in a fatal accident that night, the ice on the countryside's bridge catching the tires and flinging her into an eighteen-wheeler. A year later, Kaylie's lone father bumped into a shadowed stranger on his way home from his too-low paying job. The stranger offered him a better job, in a better position, in a better place: the top research assistant at a lab in New York City called T.C.R.I. He'd work on the top floor and be able to provide top dollar for his daughter. He'd need only wait in his current location for further instructions. Driven by greed and grief, her father accepts, and is given a briefcase full of cash - and syringes.

  That's it, that's all I can tell you; the rest will be revealed in the sequel; go read that, too!

  Thanks for your patience! :D


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