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To begin with, he was just trying to get away from it all. It had been 20 years since he and Chara had died. The human was long gone and buried by their mother in the Ruins. He, on the other hand, ended up living again, but as a flower. To make matters worse, he could no longer feel any emotions or feelings. Alphys may have made him come back, but a part of him didn't. It left him Soulless. He tried to feel, several times. He tried going to his father, then his mother, but nothing helped. The only one who would understand was gone now.

He found he was able to RESET the world via dying. So, he played around with it for a while. It was fun, being able to get away with everything because after every RESET, they would all just forget anything he did. Yet, it soon got a little boring. He wanted to be alone for now. There was an area in Waterfall that gave him just what he needed. Apart from the mushrooms and Echo Flowers abound, he was completely and utterly alone.

Well, for a few minutes.

"Hoi! I'm Temmie!" a high-pitched voice rang out.

Flowey groaned in annoyance. He turned to find a familiar Monster behind him. It was a little different from the other Monsters. This one was smaller, even when grown up. It had white fur, with locks of black on its head. It looked like some cross between a dog and a cat and wore a blue sweater. It also had black eyes and was always cheery.

"Go away!" he yelled at the Monster.

Temmie flinched a bit from the harshness of his voice, but shook it off. "I'm Temmie! What be your name?"

"Does it even matter?"

"Tem would like to know you, Mr. Flower"

"Why bother? It's not like I'm worth anyone's time" he just sighed. "My name's Flowey"

"Flowey..." she repeated. "Flowey! Flowey! Flowey! Flowey!"

The flower watched as the Monster ran around him, cheering his name as if it were the best thing she's ever heard. It seemed rather funny, in a sense. He thought it made her look silly. Then again, Temmies can be like that. They were playful, silly, active, want pettings, love Tem Flakes, and tend to speak in wrong grammar.

"Don't wear it out" he grumbled.

"Mi nam is Temmie!"

"I know! You said your name already! And there are a bunch of you everywhere"

"Thewe awe onwy ten Temmies in Tem Villag, incwuding me!"

Flowey groaned before trying to look away. He was trying to gesture how much he wanted this Monster to leave. Apparently, she didn't seem to understand. She simply just stuck around beside him, much to his chagrin. She just sat beside him, mostly humming an old tune and swaying her head from side to side. She then walked up to an Echo Flower.

"Dun yu hav a wish?" she pointed to the flower.

"I wish you would just leave"

She giggled before making a wish herself. "Tem wish Flowey be happy"

He looked at her, confused and a little intrigued. This little Monster knew he wanted her gone, and she still wished for his happiness? Then again, he had seen some people with that type of mindset. Mostly children, and that skeleton, but this one was new.

"See yu tomowow, Flowey!" she chirped before slipping away.

He watched her leave until the pitter-patter of little paws had faded completely before turning back to the Echo Flower. "Tem wish Flowey be happy" it repeated with her voice. He then slumped down and felt emptiness.


Flowey grumbled as he waited in the same spot he was in before. It was fun speaking to Papyrus again, but the skeleton soon had to go back to his brother. It was nice to see someone who would listen to him, though he refused to hurt his opponents in fighting. The flower was pondering on what to do and where to go now when he remembered Temmie. The Monster was annoying, but he had nothing else to do.

"Hoi Flowey!"

He snapped up at the sound of her voice as she ran over to him. She had what looked like a small box on her back.

"So you came, huh?" he asked, boredom in tone.

She nodded before sitting down beside him and setting the box down. "Flowey, do you wike Tem Flakes?"


She grabbed the box before taking out a small mat and spreading it on the ground. She then pat a space infront of her. He sighed, but went over to her. She then picked up a smaller box and a shuttle, and two cups. The shuttle was lifted before pouring some tea in each as the box was opened and shook before small Tem Flakes fell out.

Great! It's a picnic!


"Why are you so nice to me?" Flowey wondered as Temmie fitted a new, paw-knitted, green sweater on him. Though her species was no good in making food, they were Grade-A at clothing. He soon found that she was the Tem Shop owner in Temmie Village one time when he came to see if he could find her there. Technically, he did it unintentionally.

A human, the seventh one, fell down and he had been keeping a close eye on them. They kept Sparing every Monster they met, no matter how much they kept attacking them. He was following the human when they went to the village and that was when he saw her there, selling Tem Flakes to the human.

"Tem bewive evewyone are good inside. People awe only mad and cranky because they awe sad or hurt"

He stared at her from that statement. In his entire time after dying, he never thought he would hear that phrase again. "Everyone can be a good person if they just try" that's what Chara used to say. Temmie was no human, but she reminded him a lot of his fallen sibling. Joy, hope, kindness, those were mostly Chara's traits. He did find that this Temmie was also slightly different from the others as she could be serious and speak in perfect grammar. She could also make her face come off when super happy or angry.

Temmie then yawned a bit before scratching her eyes. He did notice she was pretty tired from how she claimed that she spent the whole night knitting the sweater for him. It seemed like no joke from the droopy ears and dark circles beneath her eyes.

"You should rest. I'll stand guard" he told her.

She nodded before stretching and curling up beside him. "Flowey" she spoke softly as she began to drift off. "Just know...Tem will be hewe for mattew what"

He looked down at the sleeping Temmie. He knew the human would RESET one day and she may not remember this ever happened, but it didn't matter to him right now. And if they go Genocide, he would try and make sure she lives. For the first time in a long time, he found someone he wanted to stay alive, to protect, to care for. He felt something he didn't felt in a long time: Love.

Perhaps there was something to live for on this horrible world. 

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