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Chara let out a cough as she buried herself under the blanket. It was Monday, but she couldn't go to school. She always hated Mondays, but this one was worse. She got sick so Toriel called her in. Frisk was staying as well to look after her. Right now, she lay down feebly on the bed with a fever and cough as the Ambassador sat on her bedside.

She was weak and tired, but refused to get some sleep. She was home alone with Frisk. The Human Souls were out, Sans and Toriel were at work, Asriel was at school with Aida. It was just them. Frisk had been staying close to her, even if she may get sick herself. She tried to let the human know it was okay if she left for a while, but she persisted.

"Just get some rest, okay?" Frisk tried again.

"Fuh-risk, you're not my mom!"

"No, but I'm dating you, and you're sick"

"Try me" she gave a faint smirk.

That was all Frisk needed before she pinned Chara down, much to her surprise. She was about to warn her about the danger of getting sick as well but couldn't respond when the girl reached down and snaked a hand under her shirt, before she felt it make contact with her skin. She squirmed under her touch as she tried to pry her off. Frisk then bent down and began to kiss her neck as she began to blush. What surprised both was that Chara wasn't sprouting buttercups.

"That makes things easier for me" Frisk whispered into her ear.

Luckily, she pulled away and removed her hand, much to the sick girl's relief. She barely had enough time to react before they both noticed her Soul was out. Frisk stopped her game when she got a good look at the faded heart. She managed to take hold of it and got worried at the sight. Human Souls begin to lose their color when the owner starts to lose their Trait. It could leave them more open to attack or sickness.

"Why?" the girl asked.

Chara looked away as she tried to hide her face. Frisk went closer to her, causing her to put her arms up in defense and her Soul gathered. The Ambassador took notice of a faint line in her left wrist when one sleeve parted slightly. She took her hand and rolled the sleeve up.

There were cuts on her arms, and they weren't treated.

She took hold of the other arm and found the same result. Chara had been cutting. How long have they been there? Why was she doing it? She looked back at the former Princess who was looking away fearfully. Chara couldn't even muster up the courage to speak to her.

"Chara, look at me"

The Ambassador took her chin and made her face her. She hesitantly looked up to her, finding out she was scared and extremely worried.

"Why are you doing this? What's wrong?"

She took a deep breath as she braced herself for confession. "I'm scared, Frisk. I know you already admitted to all of them and you apologized and I already forgave you,'s too much. I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is you choosing RESET and going Genocide and then you use me as a scapegoat again. I can't drown out their screams or cries. I can see Mom's face of disbelief...Papyrus' talking skull...Undyne the Undying melting...Mettaton trying to smile...Sans...Flowey..."

Frisk couldn't believe what she was hearing. Chara was still afraid of her. No wonder she seemed so frail nowadays. She knew it was something bad, but never expected it to be like this. She did recall some nights when she found that she spent the night in Asriel's room.

"...I'm sorry...I can't stop it...a part of me still doubting...I'm scared one day, you'll get bored and press RESET...I can't...I...I...please don't be mad at me..."

She knew it over. She was found out. Frisk was gonna do it. She was gonna RESET. She's gonna kill her. She felt the bed weight shift, followed by the sound of a door closing. She sank down in her bed and curled up as she broke down in tears. They were all done for, because of her.

She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and looked up to find Frisk with the RESET button. She shut her eyes and braced for the darkness to come. Any moment now and the button would be hit. Any moment now and she would turn back into a ghost and they would all be in the Underground. Any moment now and everything in this timeline will come undone.

She heard what sounded like glass breaking. She looked up and saw that the RESET button was smashed into pieces before they faded away.

"I don't want to RESET anymore" Frisk spoke up. "I want to stay in this timeline. I don't want this to go away. I just want a life with you, Chara. And once I'm dead, atleast I can be happy to know that time will carry on now, and I got to make the most out of it"

Chara looked at Frisk in surprise. She gave up the power for her? With it gone, everything here is permanent. There's no going back. She did it for her. She managed a weak smile.

Frisk returned it as she opened up the first aid kit she brought with her. She took out some cotton and soaked it with medical alcohol before using it on Chara's cuts. The half breed hissed in pain, trying to pull away but her arm was held firmly.

"I know, I know"

When she finally finished with the alcohol, she wrapped up the cuts with bandages. No doubt they would scar, but it was better than her getting infected. She then rested the sick girl on her lap and began to caress her hair. Chara began to feel drowsy as she felt a small kiss plant on her forehead.

"Sweet dreams, my little angel" 

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