The Maiden in White

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It seems that sometimes things will have to get worse before they start getting any better. Toriel and Sans soon began to date and were an official couple now. The skeleton had fulfilled a promise: If Chara doesn't come back, he would make her mother happy. Chara herself had been driven mad by the goings-on after the Prom that Sans had to hide her in his house. She was in catatonia for a long time before they brought back Asriel. Soon, she was coming back to sanity and went home with Asriel one day.

Yet, she was still scared of Frisk. The human had allowed her to have some space so she could think for the time being, but she was worried if she may one day be getting impatient. She slept on a spare bed across from their shared bed. There were times she woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares. She would sometimes go to Asriel, and he allowed her stay for the night.

The former Prince of the Underground was more or less now on his guard around the human now. The mere thought of his sister being tortured and framed broke his heart. He still kept most of his traits, but was wary around Frisk.

"Asriel, I'm really sorry, okay?" she tried to tell him one time.

"A simple confession would've been nice, unless you're planning another RESET" he glared at her.

Some things had changed as well in the goat boy. He had become more mature and grown-up, suiting how he was in his teenage years. Soon, the Soul began to settle in him and changed his appearance to what it would be in his current age. He grew small horns on his head and a tall frame. His magic was getting better now. Though, he has a mild fear for flowers, more specifically yellow ones.

"No! NO! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" he yelled as he tried to run away from Wyatt's little flower prank.

It was rather humorous in all honesty. Sans often put in flower puns and that would throw the goat into a fit. He was trying not to get so scared, especially since Flowey was kinder the last time. Chara would often try and help him by making flower crowns like when they were alive the first time and younger.

He also began to show that he disowned Asgore as his dad. He had taken a liking to Sans and wasn't completely over to the things that happened when he was a flower. It horrified him when he found what he had done to the Humans Souls before their deaths at his hands, and another casualty that ended horribly for Alphys and Gaster. The worst was most recent: The HATE vial meant for Sans, but Chara took the bullet.

One time, Asgore came over to try and apologize. The Human Souls were up in their fort while Chara and Frisk were out buying supplies and Asriel was just about ready to go to the park with Sans.

"Asriel?" Asgore called to him, unable to believe that his son was alive.

The goat boy looked at him for one minute before speaking nonchalantly. "Oh, hello, Asgore"

Though, there was one person he began to feel sorry for: Frisk. The human was willing to do anything if it would make Chara happy and give her no reason to fear her. He began to talk again to her, trying to help her through the situation.

"I'm giving her the time and space needed, but she's still so distant. And I'm trying my best, but I really think I have broken her trust. I don't blame her with all that's happened" she sighed, slamming her head on the table. "Asriel, what should I do?"

"Well, you're asking the wrong person, Frisk. I'm way out of practice. But, I think you better just try something slow and calming. Just show her you can change, or get her a present"

"I don't think chocolate's gonna cut it"

"Well, was there something she wanted to do but she couldn't?"

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