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Asriel had been bothered by the guilt he felt for making Flowey leave behind the only friend he had. It never occurred to him that one day he would feel something other than fear or anger towards the being he was trapped in for so long. Flowey was insane, heartless, wishing death upon everything and everyone. Yet, he felt sympathy to him. The flower even refused to show up again in his dreams. He couldn't remember the last time he made a sudden appearance.

Asriel had still been going over to the Lab for Aida's sessions. The robot was oblivious to all that he was going through. It was probably better that she didn't know. She reminded him too much of the flower at times; they were both Soulless.

The goat still didn't have any girl in mind just yet. Though the humans and Monsters at school would often throw him inviting glances, he didn't have any interest to go up to them. He still stuck with his sister, her lover, and the robot.

It seemed the four were rather famous amongst the school. Chara as the Princess, First Fallen Human, and the first to forgive Frisk for her crimes. Frisk for being the Ambassador, Eighth Fallen Human, and Human that succeeded in breaking the Barrier. Asriel for being the Prince, Chara's long-lost brother, and quite a hit with the ladies. And Aida for her love advice as well as Mettaton's sister and Alphys' first creation-slash-daughter.

There was one thing that Asriel and Aida had in common: They were a hit with the opposite genders. All the girls were mad for the goat boy; a bunch of boys were inlove with the robot girl.

"I really shouldn't be surprised" Alphys sighed. "I just hope if she does fall inlove, it will be someone good"

"And if they don't, then I will personally go to their houses and show them to mess with our daughter!" Undyne's eye seemed to glow as she bared her needle teeth.

It disappointed the boys to no end when Aida kept on refusing to respond to their courting. She stayed with her friends and kept to her homework. Alphys was proud of her grades, but concerned for her socials. Due to how they stay with the group, the girls would often ask Chara and Frisk for advice on Asriel while the boys would ask about Aida. It was quite bothersome to say atleast, but it distracted the goat boy from his thoughts on the flower.

One day, they all decided that it may be a good time to try and get away from the place for a little while. They just needed some time to themselves. Frisk arranged a weekend of them to enjoy. It was simple. They were going to the forest that surrounded Mt. Ebott and spend a day there. It was initially just the Comic Trio, but due to Asriel's request they invited Aida. After some persuasion and assurance for a certain lizard mother, she was allowed to go.

So, here they were, in the forest that surrounded the dark place they used to call home. It was calm and tranquil. Nobody there. Just a few birds and butterflies flying about. The trees provided perfect shade. The grass blanketed the ground along with some flowers. It was just perfect.

Right now, they were just enjoying the serenity. Chara currently sat under the shade of a tree with Frisk taking a catnap in her lap. She gently caressed her hair. Ahead, Asriel was collecting flowers. He had been trying to overcome his fear for some time now. A little bit further was Aida, running about like a child. Her dress flowed as she ran and pretended to be like the butterfly infront of her.

"We needed this" Chara smiled.

"Indeed" Frisk spoke below her.

The half-demon peered down at the human. She gave off a warm smile before grabbing her arm. Before she could react, Frisk flipped them over until they were in a position where the human pinned her. She smirked as the former Princess blushed at the action and fought to suppress her flower-fluster.

"Relax, Chara, you look like I'm about to eat you alive" she teased.

"I guess I..."

Frisk got up and sat where the half-demon was before guiding her head onto her lap. They had switched roles yet again. Chara seemed to tense up until Frisk began to pet her. Her muscles relaxed and her breathing slowed before she dozed off. The Ambassador smiled; she was still quick to sleep. Yet, as she felt her skin, she noticed it was a little colder than normal. It worried her a lot.

For the past few days, Chara had been looking paler than usual and was easily tired. She thought it may be from the stress at school lately, but it seemed a lot more. She didn't know why. She had tried asking before, but she would end up changing the topic. She hoped she would speak up soon.

"You seem to be doing better" Asriel called to Aida as the butterfly fluttered its wings infront of her.

She gave a faint smile. "Why wouldn't I be? Miss Chara's happy. Mother is happy. You're happy. Therefore, I'm happy"

"You're so selfless, you know that?"

"I didn't know so. Perhaps it's in my programming" she then closed her eyes only to open then again as they turned to code glass.

The mere sight of it alarmed the goat. She never did that before, atleast with him around. He immediately dropped the flowers and rushed over to her. He began to frantically shake her by the shoulders in an attempt to make her go back to normal.

"Aida? Aida! Don't do that! Snap out of it!" he yelled.

Eventually, she closed them again and they returned to their normal blue. She seemed slightly dazed and rather surprised at what was going on.


He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness! I thought you were..."

She only seemed confused. "What's the matter? Did my checking into my programming alarm you so much?"

"Well...yeah, it did...I mean..."

"I cannot die, atleast not completely. If I were destroyed, the data needed to rebuild me would still exist. And my Soul is not with me yet"

"Still, don't scare me like that!"

She was a little surprised at his sudden outburst but nodded. "Very well then. I shall refrain from doing such actions whenever you are present"

He was about to thank her when the last few words caught him. "Wait, how often do you do that?"

"Not very often, and it doesn't damage me even if I do so"

He was quite surprised at her. Without her Soul, did she really rely on her programming that much?

"Uh, Asriel..."


"Will you mind...letting go of me?"

It was then did he notice he still held her by the shoulders. He reluctantly let go and she backed up a few feet away from him before glancing on her shoulders. She was definitely something they had to keep an eye on.

Aida then began to look around her surroundings before looking down again. "Forgive me for the question, but it has been a while since I last activated my other forms"

"Other forms?"

She nodded. "If it could, may be allowed to use them out here? I promise not to stray too far"

He had never really seen her forms, nor knew she had one. If he did, it was probably just Flowey. It looked like almost as though she was pleading to let the other version of her out, if just for a while. He gave a nod, which she returned with a smile.

She bent her knees before pushing off and doing a backflip, landing as her rabbit form. He now remembered that ability. She then began to run about in her smaller form carefree. It was nice to see that she was happy to be able to use it. She looked more...human. A little while later, she took flight to the air.

He watched her go while making his flower crowns. 

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