Part 6

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The weeks passed and one saw ishita her condition and it was not long before Shagun noticed.

One morning, Ishita and Shagun ran into each other in the hall of the building. Shagun looked Ishita up and down.

"Good Morning Ereeshita, How are you ?

"mai theek hoon"

"Hmmm, Either you've been gaining weight in recent weeks or you're pregnant. Are you pregnant "?

Ishita got nervous, looking at Shagun, Ishita knew, that Shagun knew she was pregnant.

"What a miracle ! Congratulations! "

Shagun hugged Ishita, who was standing there, not knowing what was going on.

"When is the wedding?" Asked Shagun


"Yours and Mani, now that you're parents, you're probably going to marry, don't say you've already married without us."?

Okay, Shagun thinks that Mani is the father. Should I be pleased or worried about it now?

"Sorry Shagun I'm really in a hurry."

And already Ishita was gone.

I just hope Shagun does not call Raman and mention my pregnancy..."Oh Raman, please come back soon."

Ishita thought about the morning after and how Raman told Shogun that nothing had happened and Shagun had told him she believed him and trusted him...

Ishita stroked gently over her stomach.

"Nothing has happened ? a lot has happened, you are happened, my miracle baby... Thank you Murugan for my miracle Baby"

Shagun came very exited into the Bhalla house. Everyone sat at the table and had breakfast.

"You will not believe what I just found out."

Everyone looked at Shagun without anyone asking what she had found out.

"You will not believe it, but Ishita is pregnant."

Silence ... nobody said a word

"Yes, I was also shocked ... what a miracle, Ishita and Mani are sure to be crazy and do you know what I believe? They both married secretly."  Told Shagun proudly as if she had just revealed the best kept secret in Dehli.

OMG is she stupid, can not count 1 and 1 together and how should Akka have married Mani, since she is still married to Jeeju.? Thought Mihika

How good that Shagun is so stupid ... Mamij thought

Hahahaha are you stupid Shagun, but good for Bhabhi that you think Mani is the father. Romi thought

Little stupid Shagun you think that you are very clever, Oh I can not wait to see your face when you learn the truth. Simmi thought

No stupid Shagun, this is my grandchild who is born soon. Papaji thought

Bhabhi is never pregnant by Mani Sir. That's the kid of Raman Bhai, I'm sure. Stupid Shagun, Neelu thought

"Ishita Aunty will have a baby soon? Oh may I hold it then? I love babies" said an excited Pihu.

'Ishita, pregnant? She and Mani? WOW what news." Mamij said innocently

"Mihika, I suppose you knew that, after all, you are her sister, but I understand that you kept it to yourself." said Shagun

"Mmm ... hmm yes" Mihika stuttered

~ The next Day  ~

Ishita had seen or spoken to Mani for weeks. But now she had to talk to him. It would be a disaster if he coincidentally met Shagun....

Ishita had called Mani to meet him at the coffee shop. When she arrived, Mani was already there waiting for her.

"Ishu I did not know ... I mean you are ... Wow ... since when"?

"Hello Mani, Yes, I'm pregnant and that's why I wanted to talk to you."

"What is it about" ?

"I do not know why, but Shagun thinks that the baby is yours. Raman has been in Singapore for weeks and I have not told him yet because I want to tell him personally.It's complicated between us and under no circumstances should Shagun know that Rama is the father,not before it knows Raman."

Mani looked at her

"I can not hide my condition anymore and Shagun noticed it yesterday. No idea why, but she congratulated me and thinks it's your baby. I'm sorry Mani, but I did not put it right and let her believe that she was right."

"Don't worry Ishu, I am on your side. Shogun does not learn anything from me.

Ishita hugged Mani

"Thank you my friend."

"I hope that Raman is back soon and you overcome your differences."

Ishita sighed

"Me too Mani, me too ..."!

~September 4TH 2016~

Iyer House

Ishita came with Ruhi to  her family to have lunch. Vandu and Mihika were there too.

"Wow, you've really popped." Vandu commented as she placed her hand over Ishita 's rounded stomach.

"Yes, I know." Ishita replied, sitting down. "You should see some of the looks I've been getting from People from society."

"Oh." Vandita sighed, following suit. "It's none of their business."

"It's Delhi ." Ishita pointed out. "Everything is everybody's business."

"I'm not going to argue with you there." she replied. "Have you heard anything from Raman ?"

Ishita smiled sadly. "No." she answered.
"I hope he's alright."

"I'm sure he's fine. He's just working his issues out." Vandu assured her. "He'll be back soon."

"I certainly hope so." she sighed. "I don't think I could live with myself if he missed out on the baby's birth."

"Akka! Do not panic, Jeeju will be back soon, you will have a few more months until the baby comes", said Mihika

"He was gone two and a half months last time right?" Vandu asked. "It's only been about eight weeks since he was here. I'm sure he'll show up soon."

~The Next Morning~

Ishita slowly made her way down the  stair and into the kitchen. She decided that she would remain in her nightdress for the rest of the day, the effort of changing simply wasn't something that appealed to her. After a quick but healthy breakfast  Ishita ventured back upstairs and into the room that would be the nursery.

The room was bare except for a rocking chair. Ishita had hoped that once Robert got back they could fix the nursery up together in Bhalla House. Now a little more than halfway through her pregnancy she worried that Raman wouldn't make it back in time and childbirth wasn't something she wanted to go through without him.

"Ishita calm down. You have a few months to go before it happens. Raman will be back soon." She spoke to herself

After feeling a fluttering movement in her stomach, Ishita brought her hand up protectively over her abdomen. She smiled to herself. The baby was moving and for the very first time she was able to feel it. It was definitely a good, warm feeling sort of like butterflies. Everything up until now had seemed so surreal
but after finally feeling movement nothing had ever felt more real to Ishita. Nothing had ever made her feel so alive and close to Raman even though he was oceans away.


Ps: Don't worry friends , Raman will come back in the next part. How will he react ? We will see 😉 Have a nice day.!


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