Part 15

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"You have no room in your belly, why did not God put the baby in mom's belly."? Pihu asked with childlike naivety

"Because God wanted to give us a miracle. " said Ishita smiling

"And how did the baby come in your belly "?

Raman started to cough. Ishita looked at him and her eye signaled, "Help", but Raman did not know how to explain that to his daughter.

"That's what God did", Ishita said

"Yes but how."?

"Okay, I'll explain it to you, All babies are with God and when a mommy and Papa wants a baby, God puts that baby in the belly of the mom. The baby is still tiny, as small as the nail of your little finger."

Pihu looked at her little finger

"When Mamma falls asleep, God puts the baby in Mama's belly through the belly navel . Then the baby has to grow for 9 months and then the mom goes to the hospital and God gets the baby out of her belly."

"Through the navel? the baby is too big then."

"Oh, God opens the belly a bit so the baby can get out."

"That hurts."?

"I hope not."  Ishita mumbled... "No, that does not hurt, maybe a bit."

Pihu looked at Raman
"Why did you wish a baby with Ishita Aunty ? Ishita Aunty has said that God puts the baby in mommies belly when a Mamma and Papa want a baby. "

"The baby is a godsend. God wanted to surprise us."said Raman

"You did not wish it, but God surprise you ? But why did God do that? Why didnt God put the baby in mom's belly.? I think God made a mistake."

"Why do you think God made a mistake? asked Raman

Pihu looked at Ishita
"Are you Papa 's wife."? Right ?

Ishita nodded

"And Mamma, what is Mamma."?

"This is called ex wife, that means she was once your Papa 's wife, but they are divorced. "

"Oh, bhagavaan did not make a mistake then. If you are Papa"s wife then the baby must be in your tummy , right.? God Gave you space for the baby now."

Ishita smiled, her daughter was Adorable.

"But if the baby needs too much then tell Manma, she will help you again."

She was just too cute

"Okay, i will." Ishita said

"Where will you live now Papa, with Ishita Aunty, Ruhi and the baby."? Pihu asked sadly

"No, no Chotu.  Papa will live with you with Adi Bhaiya, Dadi, Dadu, Romi Chachu, Mihika Chitti, Simmi Bua and Ananya."  said Ishita

"And Mamma ?". Pihu asked

"Oh yes, and Mamma , how could I just forget Shagun".?  Ishita said while looking at Raman.

Pihu sighed

"I know Baby , you do not really understand it all and it's very complicated and your life is just upside down, but believe me I do not want to mess up your life or separate you from your parents. I want you to be happy and to grow up carefree." Ishita stroked her daughter's head

What did Ishita do, did she want him to marry Shagun? She had said that she wanted to raise the baby with him.She wanted to be with him and her children and be a family and now she told Pihu that ? Raman thought

"Is the baby a boy or a girl? " Pihu suddenly asked

"We do not know that, that's a surprise." Answered Ishita

"If you're my mother too ... Papa , you're the baby's Papa , too, then I'm the baby's sister, Right."?

"Yes, you will be a big sister."

"Pihu Didi." Ishita Said

Pihu made big eyes "WOW."!

The baby started to kick.Ishita took Pihu's hand and put it on her stomach.

"Do you feel that, Pihu? The baby is moving and kicking."

Wow, Papa , I feel the baby,  it's kicking so hard . Ishita Aunty, that hurts"?

"Not really."

Pihu put her ear to Ishita's belly.
"Hello baby, I'm Pihu your big sister. I do not know if you're a boy or a girl, but please be a girl."

Ishita put her hand on Pihu's head and cried softly. Raman stroked Ishita's face.

Pihu sat down again on Raman's lap.
"Ishita Aunty, you move, with Ruhi Didi and the baby to us."?

Ishita did not know what to say.

"Would you like that." Raman asked

Pihu smiled and nodded

"But Papa can not live with two mom's together. One Mamma and One Papa. Ishita Aunty is my wife and wife and ex wife do not live with a Papa. You know, when you're married and you love each other then you live together in a house." said Raman

"Papa , who do you love, Mamma or Ishita Aunty."? Asked Pihu

Raman and Ishita looked at each other. Pihu looked from one to the other.Raman took a deep breath and just wanted to say something when he was interrupted by Ishita. "Raman." she shook her head. She knew what he wanted to say. She had seen it in his eyes. But she did not want to hurt Pihu.What Pihu had learned  today was enough. She needed a break, after all, she was only 7 years old.

Ishita was happy that Pihu had not rejected her. That was more than she expected. Step by step... She did not want to put too much pressure on her little daughter.

Ishita loved Raman with everything she had and today she had seen that love in his eyes.!He still loved her, she knew that now. But they were not allowed to be selfish, they soon had 4 children and they were the most important.

Pihu now knew who Ishita, Ruhi and the baby were and she had not taken it badly.
That was enough for now. Step by step...

"So, Pihu, I think that's enough news for today. How about when you go  and have breakfast." Papa and I have something totalk about , then we'll come too" said Ishita

Pihu smiled and nodded
"Okay, I have to tell the others that I'm going to be a big sister soon." Pihu said excitedly

"Go." said Ishita and Raman at the same time. Pihu left the room. Ishita and Raman looked at each other.

"Phew, that worked better than I thought."said Ishita .

She stood at the closed door. Raman went to her. He stopped very close to her. They looked each other in the eye. Raman put his right hand on her nap and with his left hand he stroked her neck down. Ishita's breathing was fast.

Raman gently stroked his lips over hers. Ishita closed her eyes. Raman took her lower lip and sucked on it. OMG thought Ishita, Raman knew he was driving her crazy.

Suddenly, he released her lips. Ishita opened her eyes. No, she wanted this kiss so bad. She put both hands to the back of his head and pulled him close. When she kissed him he was lost.


Hello friends, I hope you like my story. I enjoy writing it. Unfortunately, I only have time to write on weekends. Next weekend I will post again.
Have a nice Sunday 😊


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