Part 22

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Hello Friends ...Happy Diwali to everyone ❤️

"What is your problem."? Shagun shouted

"You, you are the problem, always."  said Ishita ......She suddenly stood behind Mihika

"Just what i Need, Eeeshita, What are you doing here."?

"I don't think, that's your business." said Ishita

"Anyway, I want to see Pihu and neither you nor your sister will stop me."

"Nobody wants to forbid you to see Pihu. But you come at the wrong time, she sleeps. Why do you always have to do such a drama "?

Shagun rolled her eyes..."fine, then when I wait."

Ishita moved aside and let in Shagun. She would rather throw her out and never let her come near Pihu again , but she could not do that to her daughter.

Shagun sat in the living room on the sofa pretending to be Queen of India.

Everyone ignored Shagun and sat in the kitchen drinking coffee / tea. Mamij looked over at her angrily.

Ishita wanted to go and check Pihu,, when Shagun spoke to her.

"So you live here now"?!

"Not your business." answered Ishita

Shagun stared at Ishita's belly

"Who would have thought that ? That Mother India would once be unmarried pregnant. But you are smart, I have to say that, You have wrapped Raman around the finger and he seriously believes that he is The Father."

"I am pregnant with my husband's Child,but you are nobody, to prove it to. I don't want to talk to you about my private life."

"Do you seriously think that Raman loves you? "
"I don't just think that, I know it and you know it too. That's why I'm here and you're out and now stop bothering me." said Ishita

"You use this child, to bind Raman to you."

"My name is Ishita Bhalla and not Shagun Aroma. That's your part, not mine."

Shagun laughed spitefully......" I could just take Pihu, because I'm her mother."

Ishita got nervous

"You have no right to take pihu with you. I am her mother and I want Pihu to be happy. Do you think Pihu would be happy separated from her family? but why do I even ask you? You're only interested in your revenge."

"Revenge ? that is no revenge. I just want Pihu."

"You want to take revenge on Raman and me, for that he does not love you. Shagun, what are you aiming for ?  Make life difficult for us, I dissolve in the air and Raman loves you ? "

Shagun stood up and was very angry

"I will destroy you as you have destroyed me. I will take Pihu away from  you both. If you want to call it revenge, call it revenge."

"No"!! ... Pihu said standing on the stairs

Ishita and Shagun looked in Pihu's direction. Pihu came down the stairs and went to them.

"Mamma , why are you so mean to IshiMaa? She is nice and said I can see you whenever I want, but you want to take me away from here. "
"Pihu, I did not say that." Shagun said nervously

"I heard exactly what you said, you want to take me away from here because you want to destroy the life of Papa and IshiMaa."

Pihu looked at Ishita then Shagun

"Why do you want to destroy the life of IshiMaa and Papa ? What does that mean, destroy ? are you breaking everything?"

Ishita shook her head in disbelief, what had Shagun done again ?

"You ungrateful child, just like your mother. Do you actually know what I have done for you in the last 7 years ? I have given up everything just for you and this family here..."

"SHAGUN " Ishita interrupted her...." Are you insane ? How can you say such things to a Child ? I think it's better you go, right now."!!

Ishita grabbed Shagun by her arm and pushed her toward the door. Shagun broke free herself..."Don't Touch Me."!

Ishita took a step back, not because she was afraid of Shagun, but because she was worried about her unborn child.

Mamij , Simmi and Mihika came to it

"You heard what my Bahu said, leave our house, right now."!!! said Mamij

Shagun glared angry , then left and slammed the door, as befits a Drama Queen. 🤮

Pihu wrapped her arms around Ishita's hips and cried. Ishita stroked her head and comforted her daughter.

"Mama is so mean, I never want to see her again."

Later, when Ishita told Raman the incident, he was furious. He swore that he would no longer let Shagun be near Pihu.

The days passed . Ruhis room was ready and Ishita and Ruhi moved to the Bhalla house. Pihu was still sad about Shagun, but happy that Ruhi and Ishita were there now.

Ishita stood in the middle of the bedroom and looked around. So many memories, so many moments she had shared here with Raman.

Raman come in and look at her. She looked at him and smiled..." Home Sweet Home."

He went to her and hugged her. He gently kissed her cheek and whispered. " I Love You ." Ishita closed her eyes and enjoyed his hug. " I Love You." She snuggled into his arms, let her head rest on his shoulder and pressed herself even more to him.

Pihu came into the room, Ishita broke away from the embrace.

"Pihu, you should knock before you get into our room."said Raman

"Why" Pihu asked, but do not wait for the answer..." IshiMaa is that your room too?"

Ishita nodded

"Do you sleep in the same bed as Papa."?

"Yes, IshiMaa is sleeping in our bed. That's what married couples do." said Raman

"Like Dadi and Dadu?"

"Yes, like Dadi und Dadu."

"IshiMaa sometimes Papa snores, if you can not sleep then you can sleep in bed with me."

"Oh Thank you Baby, that is so nice of you." said Ishita and hugged Pihu

Pihu went down to Mamij in the kitchen to drink her milk shake.

"So, you're snoring?"

Raman smiled..."I hope, you do not mind."

Ishita looked at him and bit her lower lip.
"I missed your snore."

Raman approached her and put his arm around her hips. "I'm so glad you're here with me."

Ishita kissed his chin..."Me too."

The next morning, Ishita woke up. The baby was very active and kicked. Ishita watches Raman lying next to her and sleeping. She gently stroked his hair.

She was finally at home. She had fallen asleep in his arms and woke up in his arms. That felt so good and right.

Raman woke up and looked at Ishita and smiled..."Good Morning, meri jaan, did you sleep well."?

"As good as not for years."She cuddled up to him.

It felt so good and right to keep her in his  arms. He kissed her temples and was just happy.


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