Part 21

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~ The next Morning in Bhalla House  ~

Mihika and Simmi are preparing breakfast. The family entered the kitchen one by one.

Ananya told Pihu something, but Pihu did not listen, but stared at the table. Pihu was sad and missed Shagun.

Pihu asked Raman if, she could make a phone  call with Shagun. He dialed Shagun's number and turned on the speaker. It rang several times, before Shagun answered the call.

"Hello." Shagun said in a sleepy voice.
Raman knew that he had awakened her. It was not Shagun's time in the morning.

"Shagun, Pihu wants to talk to you." He gave the phone to Pihu.

"Good Morning Mamma. How are you . Where are you" ? Pihu asked

"Pihu, I am still in bed and have slept, Mamma is still very tired."

"I miss you, when are you coming to visit me."?

"Pihu, Mama will call you later,  when you're back from school. Mommy has to sleep a bit now. Goodbye."

"Okay Mamma , Bye." Pihu said disappointed

Raman annoyed about Shagun. How could someone just be so heartless.

~ Ishita"s Flat ~

Ishita and Ruhi had breakfast and Ruhi told her mother that she would start a project at school today.

After breakfast, Ishita cleaned up the kitchen and left the house with Ruhi to take her to school. In the hallway she met Bala, who wanted to bring Shravu and Sritija to school. Bala said that he would take Ruhi to school.

Simmi also came with Ananya and Pihu.
"Good Morning Ishita, Morning Bala."

"Good Morning."

Ishita saw Pihu's sad face. She stroked her head. "Kya hua"?

"I called Mamma, but she had no time to talk to me."

"Do you know what, how about, if I pick you and Ruhi up late from school and we go to ice parlor? Would you like that."?

Pihu smiled and nodded

Ishita smiled "Good."

Raman, Romi and Adi came, they were on their way to the office.

Adi hugged Ishita. "Good morning IshiMaa, how are you"?

"I'm fine"

Simmi and Bala went with the children to bring them to school. Ishita kissed Ruhi and Pihu goodbye. Raman also says goodbye to his daughters.
Ishita wished Adi a nice day in the office.

"IshiMaa until now I am still the slave of the two here." He pointed to Raman and Romi

Everyone laughed..." You also have to learn a lot my son, ask your Chachu how it was for him in the beginning." said Raman

"I was the personal slave of Raman and Mihir and they both exploited it without shame."

"Stop treating my son like your slave."

"You heard IshiMaa", Adi told Romi and Raman

The four. left the building. Romi and Adi went to the car. Raman accompanies Ishita to her car.

"You look pale, are you alright "? Raman asked

"I'm fine, I was sick tonight and had to vomit, but now I'm fine again."

"Maybe you should not work today and stay home."

"It's ok Raman, I work only a few hours and only 3 times a week. Only this month then I'll do maternity break ."

"Okay......Today, the renovations begin in Ruhi"s Room. I want you to come home as soon as possible." said Raman

"Raman, I'm worried about Pihu. She told me about the phone call with Shagun."

"Shagun is so heartless, but why am I so surprised ? If it were not for Pihu, this impossible person would never be near her again." Raman said angrily

"I'll go to the ice  parlor with the girls after school. " said Ishita

"Okay thats nice." Raman kissed Ishita's cheek and they said goodbye

Later, Ishita was sitting in the ice parlor with her daughters and had ice cream. Pihu was in a better mood than in the morning and talked about her day at school. Ishita was glad that Pihu was not so sad anymore.

~ Bhalla House ~

Ishita.Ruhi and Pihu entered the house. Mamij told Ishita to sit down and Mihika prepare tea.

"Puttar, you're so pale, you're fine."? Mamij asked worriedly

"To be honest Mamij, I'm not feeling so well today. But please do not say that to Raman. You know he'll lock me up in the house and keep me guarded around the clock." Ishita said, laughing

"You should stop working and rest more."

Mihika came with the tea ... "Akka, Mamij is right, you should rest more."

"Only this month then I'm in maternity break." said Ishita

Ruhi was just picking the colors for her new room. Everything should be as she wished.

Pihu came and sat down on Ishita's lap. Ishita knew, Pihu was missing Shagun . She hugged pihu and cuddled with her.

"IshiMaa, you look so tired. Come on, let's go to my room to rest." said Pihu

Ishita smiled ... her daughter was so cute

"Yes, Puttar, go and rest." said Mamij

"I  oversee the workers so they can do everything right the way I want." said Ruhi

"Like father,like daughter." Ishita said with a laugh

~ Pihu's Room ~

Ishita and Pihu lay in bed and cuddled. Ishita knew that Pihu needed it now. She was so glad and grateful that Pihu did not blame her for Shagun left the House.

Ishita was tired and exhausted and it was not long before she fell asleep. Pihu stroked her belly and talked to the baby.

"Hello Baby, I am Pihu your big sister. Are you a boy or a girl ? I'd like to have a sister, but if you're a boy I'm still your big sister. "Pihu whispered

Pihu snuggled up to Ishita and fell asleep.

Mihika carefully opened the door to check the two. She was touched by the scene.
She smiled, her sister deserved all the luck in the world. Pihu deserved a mother who really loved her. Raman and Ishita deserved to be happy together with their children.

Mihika quietly closed the door and walked down the stairs. When she got downstairs, the doorbell rang. "I opened the door, "she said

She opened the door and in front of her stood Shagun.

"What do you want here Shagun."?

"I want to see my daughter."

Shagun took a step forward to enter, but Mihika stood in her way.

"You can not see Pihu now, she's sleeping. Call next time."

"She is sleeping at this time? you're lying, you just do not want to let me in." Shagun said angrily

"Do not call me a liar, we both know who the liar is here." said Mihika irritably

Shagun tried to pass Mihika, but Mihika grabbed her by the arm..

"I want to see Pihu and you will not stop me ." shagun shouted

Mamij and Simmi heard the noise.

"What is your problem."? Shagun shouted

"You, you are the problem, always."  said Ishita ......She suddenly stood behind Mihika


I hope you like it . I enjoy writing this story ... Well, it's about time Mr. and Mrs. Bhalla are living under one roof again. ...I will post again next weekend. Have a nice Sunday 😊


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