Part 20

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Raman entered the Bhalla house. His parents were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Where is Shagun."?  he asked

Shagun came down the stairs at that moment.

"Oh I looked for you, come on we have to talk."

Raman took her arm and went to her room.

"What Is it , Raman ? she asked irritated

"Sit down"

"I prefer to stand."


"So, what do you want to talk about"? Shagun asked

"About your move."

"What do you mean, Raman."

"I want you to move out today."

"Are you crazy, where should I go"?

"Shagun, I told you a month ago you should look for an apartment. I have paid consideration to you because of Pihu."

"But I did not find a flat." said Shagun

"Because you did not search. Go to the hotel, I promise you I will look for a new apartment for you."

"No, I'm not going to a hotel. I do not like hotel rooms."

"To be honest, I don't care."!!

"I will not move, this is my home my children live here."

Raman refused to be considerate. He had given enough time to Shagun and she had used that again. His wife was pregnant with his child. She and Ruhi did not live with him. Because he was considerate, but now it was over ...He wanted his wife and children with him.

"First, this is not your home, that's the home of me and my family you do not belong to. Second, your children ? since when do you have children? You don't care about the kids unless you can use them for your purposes. And third, my wife will move in here and live here with me and our children, and that's why you're going to move out now."!

"No way ."!! shagun shouted

"Look, I'm really thankful to you for doing the last 7 years. You took care of Adi and Pihu. I seriously thought you would have changed, but your behavior after Ishita's return prove me wrong. "

Shagun became nervous
"Where is Pihu "?

Raman laughed
"She is not there, do you really think I'm letting you manipulate Pihu "?

"You can not do that Raman."

"You'll have an hour to pack your things and leave my house, otherwise I'll kick you out of my house."

With that he left her and turned and walked out of the room..

Shagun had left him no choice. ... He wanted Ishita, she needed him. He wanted to take care of her.

She stood there and could not believe it. What should she do now? She thought about it and her brain began to work, but she did not know what else to do.She started to grab her suitcase with rage.

"Do not think that you have won Ishita. That's not the end. Maybe you won this fight but not the war. I go now, but I will come back."

When Shagun came down the stairs with her suitcase, the whole family was gathered downstairs in the living room.Not to say goodbye but to see with satisfaction how she leaves the house.

Shagun looked at Adi, maybe he would feel sorry for her, but Adi showed no reaction.

She walked to the front door, then stopped and turned around again. Simmi waved to her and smiled. And the expression said"I hope I never see you again."

Shagun stamped furiously out the door and slammed her hard.

Raman sighed  "Finally"!!!! He knew that was not all, because he  knew Shagun too well. But now she was out and there was still a future with ishita and their children.

~ Ishita's Flat ~

Ruhi and Pihu watched cartoons and Ishita worked in the kitchen. She thought about what was going on in the Bhalla House . Raman  had already spoken to Shagun ? , she had already moved out or is she making a big drama.?

The baby is kicking her ribs

"Ouch, that hurts ." she rubbed her hand over the point where it hurt.

She had not known that the kick of such a little baby can hurt so much.

The doorbell rang and Ishita opened the door. It was Raman and Ishita asked "Everything alright"?

Raman came in. "She left."

"She left, simply left , without drama." Ishita asked

"She was trying to do a drama, but I did not let her."

"Raman, we both know Shagun, she will not sit quietly in a corner and watch how happy we are."

"I know Ishita, but we are not intimidated by Sharon."

Ishita nodded

"Where are the girls I have to tell Pihu that Shagun no longer lives with us." said Raman

"They are watching cartoons."

Raman went into the living room and said, "Pihu, it's time to go home."

Pihu said goodbye to Ruhi and Ishita. Raman said goodbye to Ishita and Ruhi. They left Ishita's apartment to go home.

In the building hall, Raman stopped and told Pihu he had to tell her something. They sat on the sofa in the hallway.

"Pihu I have to tell you something...... Shagun does not live with us anymore, "he said carefully

Pihu started crying and asked, "Where is Mamma."?

"She has moved out and will live in her own apartment."

Raman hugged Pihu to comfort her

"Why did Mamma move out"? Pihu asked

"I asked her, you know that I am married to IshiMaa. I know you'll miss mom, but you can see her whenever you want."

If it was Raman, Shagun would never see Pihu again, but he could not do that to Pihu.

Pihu cried and was sad..."Will IshiMaa and Ruhi Didi now live with us."?

Raman nodded

"Everything will be fine." Raman said, stroking her hair

He took Pihu by the hand and went home with her.

~ Bhalla House ~

Pihu wanted to call Shagun, but Raman told her that she could talk to Shagun in the morning.

Raman helped Pihu get ready for bed and lay down with her in his bed. Pihu snuggled up to him and he comforted her until she fell asleep.

After Pihu fell asleep, Raman phoned ishita to tell her about the conversation with Pihu.

Ishita was worried about Pihu.. That was not easy for Pihu and she was sad and hurt.

Why did life have to be so complicated? Ishita wanted her children to have a carefree life.......But Ishita was also glad that she would soon live with her husband and children together under one roof.

She wanted to raise this baby along with Raman. She wanted Ruhi to live with her father and Family. She missed Adi, although he often came to visit her, but that was not the same.She wanted to be a mother to Pihu.

Ishita wanted to be the daughter-in-law of the house again. She wanted to be Raman's wife.

The doubt crept up in her.
Did she want too much ? Could she expect happiness? 

She wanted this happiness for herself, for Raman and for her children and she would fight for it.!


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