Part 23

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~ 16th November 2016 ~ Godh bharai ~

The family came together. They blessed Ishita and the unborn child.
They adorning the mum-to-be with jewellery, making her wear bangles, filled her lap with gifts, fruits and sweets and laying out a feast before her. The ceremony was filled with singing, dancing and a fair amount of teasing and fun....

The weeks passed and the pregnancy became more difficult. Ishita stopped working and rested more. Raman lovingly cared for his pregnant wife. He helped her where he could.

He helped her dress and undress. Put on shoes and take off. He helped her into the shower and out.' He massaged her back and feet. He made sure it was all there, after which she cravings

That was new for both. Unfortunately, Ishita had never come to this stadium of pregnancy before. She enjoyed Rama's loving care.

Ishita often felt tired and exhausted. She was often pale and had pain in the back and feet and yet she enjoyed this pregnancy.

This little life that grew in her was the fruit of love. And she was so thankful for this miracle.

Pihu completely accepted Ishita as her mother. She loved Ishita and was looking forward to the Baby. Pihu was so convinced that Raman now firmly believed that it would become a girl.

Shagun had not been seen since the incident, but everyone fears it was the calm before the storm.

~ IshRa Bedroom ~

Raman stood shirtless in front of the mirror.

"How about losing the pants as well?"said Ishita

Raman went to her,wrapped his arms around her. "If I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to get me into bed."

She smiled wickedly. "Wrong."

"You're not trying to get me into bed?"

"No." she answered, looking up at him. "I'm trying to get into your tuxedo."

"Into my tuxedo." he repeated.

"Yes." she replied. "The charity Event is being hosted at Partel"s tonight.

"I completely forgot about going to the Rartel's." Raman  sighed. "Do we have to go?"

"Yes." she answered. "And no arguments."

"Why didn't you remind me before now?" he asked.

"Because I didn't realize what time it was." she answered. "They were late delivering the paint and now it's almost time to get ready to go."

"I can't stand an entire evening with the those people, Ishita "

"I know you can't." she replied. "And we won't be there the entire time."

"How are you going to get us out of that?"

"I'm pregnant, they'll understand if we duck out early."

"Okay." he sighed. "Works for me. Just get tired really early okay?"

"I'll see what I can do."

~ Four Hours Later ~

Raman exited the kitchen with a huge slice of chocolate cake and a glass of milk. He headed straight for the television where he had every intention of
watching The  Cricket Match .

"Raman ?" Ishita called out as she made her way down the stairs.

"Ishita " he replied. "I thought you were going to bed?"

She sat down on the sofa beside him. "I'm not tired." she told him. "What are you watching?"

"The Cricket Match ." he answered. Ishita reached over and picked the fork up off his plate. "Hey." he protested. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I didn't think you'd mind." she said as she ate the cake off the fork. "Besides you can't eat that entire slice of cake

"I planned on it." he replied snatching the fork out of her hand.

"Hey!" she whined, taking the entire plate out of his hand.

"Madrasan, that's not fair."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." she apologized as she reached for the fork. "Sometimes life just isn't fair."

"Are you going at least share?"

"Of course." she answered. "With the baby."

"The baby likes chocolate cake?" he asked.

Is there anything the baby doesn't like?"

"Toasted bread with butter and jam" Ishita answered. "Why?"

"Well I wanted to know what I could eat that you wouldn't take away from me." he replied. "I think I'm going to scramble me
up some Toasted bread with butter and jam right now." he said as he started to get up...."


He laughed. "Now will you share the cake?"

"I thought you wanted to watch the Match ?"

"I did.." he answered. "I also wanted to eat the cake."

Ishita sat the plate down on the table and picked up the glass of milk and took a drink. "You're so whiny." she replied. "What can I do to improve your mood?"

"You can start by handing me my cake."

Ishita moved closer to him. "Raman ." she said softly. "I'm serious. "

Raman reached for her hand. "You were absolutely radiant tonight." he told her. "You lit up the entire room ." he placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "And incase you didn't realize it I couldn't take my eyes off of you all evening."

He watched as Ishita moved closer to him, her lips only centimeters away from his.
She softly brushed her lips over his before drawing back to look into his eyes. "I love you." she whispered. "I never stopped loving you and I never will."

Their lips met again in a slow, sensual, knee weakening kiss. Raman deepened their kiss, invading her mouth hungrily, sliding his tongue over hers,starting a heated duel that seemed to go on forever. They finally pulled apart, breathless.

"Come over here." he instructed as he pulled her onto his lap so that she was straddling him. He gently cupped her face in his hands as he looked into her dark eyes. "I've missed you so much." he whispered. "I thought that I was going to die without you."

"I'll never leave you again." she promised.

He unpinned her long, dark hair and ran his hands through it."I Love You forever." He gently kissed her lips then trailed open mouth kisses down her neck.

"Raman " she moaned softly.

Raman wanted her and he knew she wanted him too, but he had to be sensible now. He put his forehead gently on hers.

"You drives me crazy ... I Can't Wait to Get My Hands on You." he said breathlessly

Ishita smiled ..." I'm really looking forward to it as well."


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