Part 26

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Hello friends, my story is coming to an end, but I will still post a few parts ... Remember, all my stories have some love, romance, drama ...;) I really enjoy writing this story.

Have a nice Day 😊

~ January 1st 2017, City Hospita ~

Ishita rested against the pillows, taking deep, relaxing breaths as her contraction gradually subsided. They were now less than five minutes apart and becoming more intense.

After several minutes passed another contraction hit. Ishita immediately grabbed Robert's hand and squeezed tightly. "I think I'm starting to hate you!" she yelled.

"Breathe, Ishita ." he instructed, calmly. "Just breath."

She tried to relax and take those slow, deep breaths that Raman kept encouraging, but she felt her energy draining with each contraction. The uneasiness she felt before leaving the house still lingered deep down inside of her. As another contraction hit Ishita screamed out in pain.

~ Hospital Waiting Room ~

Raman had called the family and they came from the party to the hospital.

"IshiMaa wasn't had the baby yet, has she?" Ruhi asked as she approached Vandu and Bala .Romi and Mihika was only a few steps behind her.

"No, not yet sweetie." Vandu answered. "Dr.Sharma said it was going to be a while."

"How's Akka"s progressing?" Mihika asked.

"Her contraction are less than five minutes apart." Vandu answered.

"How's Papa doing?" Ruhi asked. "Is he freaking out?"

"Not yet." Bala answered. "He's nervous but I don't think he'll admit it."

Ruhi sat down next to Vandu. "Have you been here long?"

"About a half hour." she answered. "Get comfortable because we're going to be here for a while."

The rest of the family sat in the waiting room and waited.

~ Ishita's Hospital Room ~

The epidural had been administered and Ishita was resting somewhat more comfortably. The pain didn't seem to be nearly as intense and when she squeezed
Raman's hand through her contractions he didn't cry out in pain anymore. She had progressed quickly from five to eight centimeters and Dr. Sharma
assured her that it wouldn't be much longer.

"Raman ?" she called out softly.

He placed a kiss to the back of her hand. "Yes, Jaan?"

"I Love You ."

Raman smiled. "You're just saying that now so I'll forgive you for telling me that you hate me."

"I love you." she whispered.

"And I love you." he whispered back as he gently dabbed her chest with a wet cloth. "How do you feel?"

"Hot." she replied.

Raman pulled the sheet down past her stomach. "Better?" he asked.

"Much." she breathed.

~ Delivery Room ~ A few hours later ~

Raman moved  up to the head of the bed. He gently placed a kiss on Ishita's forehead. "You're doing an amazing job."

Sound of a crying baby finally filled the room.

"It's a boy." Dr. Sharma announced, holding up the screaming infant.

"A boy." Raman repeated.

"He's perfect." Ishita smiled as she fell back against the pillows, completely exhausted.

After clearing the baby's airway the he was placed on Ishita 's chest. "He's so beautiful." she said as she gently touched his hand.

Raman gently touched his son's hair. "He's got your nose."

"Nurse is going to take the baby and get him cleaned up." Dr.Sharma told them. "Then you can have him back.

Raman gently kissed Ishita's lips. "I love you."

Dr. Sharma looked up at Ishita to make sure she was doing okay, but when she glanced back down she saw more blood than there should have been.
"Naina." Dr. Sharma called out. "I need some help."

Ishita 's eyelids began to feel heavy, she could barely keep her eyes open. "Raman ." she breathed softly.

"I'm here." he assured her. "What's wrong?" he asked the doctor.

"Rhea, escort Mr. Bhalla into the hallway." Dr. Sharma ordered as she tried to control the bleeding.

"No, I'm not leaving her!" Raman protested.

"You don't have a choice." Dr. Sharma informed him. Raman's head was spinning as Nurse Rhea took him outside the delivery room.

Back inside the Delivery Room Dr.Sharma began yelling out orders to the nurses as Ishita fell unconscious.

Raman slowly and numbly made his way out into the waiting area, completely dazed. He couldn't fathom how such a happy day could turn dire so quickly.
Vandita , who was now waiting alone glanced up to Raman walking toward her. She was on her feet immediately. "What happened?" she asked, fear dripping from her voice. "Is there something wrong with the baby?"

"No." he managed to answer. "The baby's fine."

Vandu helped him to the sofa and sat down beside him. "Ishita ." she breathed.

"Everything was fine. She had the baby and everything was fine."

"And the baby?"

"The nurses took the baby to get cleaned up and then Dr. Sharma ordered me out of the room." he explained, his head still spinning. "They wouldn't even tell me what was going on. And Ishita , she looked so pale and fragile."

Raman ." Vandu said soft as she reached for his hand. "I'm sure someone will be out to talk to you very shortly. Until then we're
just going to sit here and think positive thoughts.

His heart was sinking and breaking with every passing moment. He just wished that they would come out and tell him something, tell him anything. It was
better to know than to speculate. Dammit! Why wouldn't they tell him anything when they forced him out of the delivery room?

The others came back from the cafeteria and Amma noticed immediately that something was wrong. She went to Raman and asked quietly ... "What's wrong, what about Ishu and the baby."?

Raman told her what happened, they spoke quietly because they did not want the children to hear something...

Everyone is praying that everything will be okay with Ishita...


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