Part 24

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~ December 31st 2016.
Pregnancy: 39  Weeks ~

Over the past two and a half months things sailed pretty smoothly for the  Bhalla Family. It was as things were going exactly the way the were suppose to be.

Raman and Ishita were finally starting the family they had dreamed of haviing.
Pihu had adjusted well considering the circumstances.

Shagun had not started another revenge attempt. But Bhalla and Iyer's family did not trust her. She had phoned Pihu a few times. IshRa had allowed it because of Pihu. Despite everything, Pihu loved Shagun. But they watched like an eagle over every phone call that Pihu made with Shagun.

As Ishita 's due date drew nearer and nearer the more restless and anxious she became. The Holidays had served as a good distraction but now approaching
the New Year she became more restless than ever. Her emotions were all over the place. Happy one minute and sad and crying the next. Raman did his best to
accommodate her and had learnt early on that hovering over her only made the situation worse. She would simply come to him when she was ready.

Vandu had whisked Ishita out of the house telling her that this was her last chance at going out before the baby came. With only eight days until the baby's due date

Raman faced the challenged of putting the rest of the nursery together. He sat on the floor of the nursery surrounded by crib parts. He had laid out all the pieces just like the instruction booklet had told him to. The only problem was that he had no clue what he was doing. Instructions or

"Having trouble?" he heard Romi say.

"Romi ." he sighed. "Am I glad to see you."

"Looks like you need some help."

"Have you ever seen so many pieces to something in your entire life?" Raman asked. "If I knew this many pieces we're gonna come out of one box I would have left it at the store."

"Why didn't you buy a crib that was already assembled?" Romi asked. "They could have delivered it and carried it right upstairs."

"Don't you think I thought of that?" he asked. "Ishita didn't like the ones the store already had assembled. She liked this one and that means that I'm going to be putting it together."

"By the way, where is Bhabi ?"

"She's out with Vandu and Mihika" he answered. "I told her I'd have this up and waiting by the time she got back."

"Well, at least you're trying." he commented as he walked around the nursery. "Why can't you just use this?" he asked, pointing to the baby cradle.

"Because that's a cradle." Raman told him. "It's to rock the baby."

"What about this?" he asked, pointing to the bassinet.

"That's for downstairs."

"And this?" Romi asked, pointing to the playpen that was still in the box.

"That's for outside when it gets warmer."

"I didn't realize that a baby needed so much stuff."

"Are you going to keep asking me questions or are you going to help me put this bloody thing together?" Raman asked.


Ishita returned home exhausted from her afternoon with Vandu and Mihika . She did have a great time though and since it was her last time out for a while she enjoyed it
to the fullest. Raman greeted her at the door and helped her take off her Shoes. Mihika went to her room to get ready for the New Year party.

IshRa had decided that they would not go to the party and spend the new year at home.

"Did you have a nice time?" he asked.

"Splendid." she replied. "Did you get everything put together in the nursery?"

"Yes." he answered. "I want you to come and take a look at it."

"Maybe later." she told him as she headed for the couch. "I just want to lie down for a little while."

Are you feeling okay?" he asked as he helped her to the couch.

"Yeah." she sighed. "I'm just tired."

"Can I get you anything?"

Ishita laid down on her side. "I can't think of anything." she replied. "The baby been kicking all day."

Raman gently began rubbing her large stomach in circles. "She seems to be calm right now."

"Maybe she's asleep." she sighed as she closed her eyes.

He noticed that Ishita was shifting under his touch. "Am I doing something wrong?" he asked.

"No." she replied. "It's just that my lower back hurts."

Raman shifted his hand around to her back, gently massaging it. "Better?" he asked.

"A little."

He continued to rub her back until she feel into a somewhat peaceful sleep and then covered her with a blanket. He watched her for a little while and then headed upstairs to put the finishing touches on the nursery. Afterwards he headed to the kitchen to find something to eat. Halfway through his sandwich he heard Ishita calling for him.

"Do you need something?" he asked as he made his way into the livingroom and over to the couch.

Ishita pushed herself up on the sofa. "You know that pain in my back?"


Well it's moved."

"Moved?" he asked.

"Yes." she replied. "To my stomach."

"What does it feel like?" he asked, helping her sit up.

"Kind of like the Braxton Hicks contractions." she told him .

"Did you try changing positions like Dr. Sharma suggested?" Raman asked.

"Yes." she answered. "Nothing seems to help."

He rubbed his hand over her stomach. "Do you think you're in labor?" he asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Well." Raman sighed.. "Just sit back and try to relax." He had never felt so nervous in his entire life. Ishita on the other hand
seemed to be rather calm and relaxed.

After a few minutes she felt her stomach contract again followed by a sharp pain. "Raman , I'm in labor."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes." she breathed. "Call Dr.Sharma."


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