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Jeno was sitting on the bench in front of Mark's room silently, thinking if he should just let Jaemin do whatever he wanted

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Jeno was sitting on the bench in front of Mark's room silently, thinking if he should just let Jaemin do whatever he wanted. It's just annoying for Jeno, knowing that the pink haired boy is the school king, he's the most dangerous vampire now, not only scared, but Jeno felt something inside his heart, telling him to stay away from that vampire.

He might run away, but remembering Jaemin's word yesterday, made him unsure of doing that.

"It's too late to run away."

Remembering that Mark said the same thing too, what do they mean by that?

Jeno sighed, he slid his hands under his pocket as he stood up and take a long walk around the fancy school.

"Hey." Jeno immediately looked at his back, but no one was there.

'weird.' Jeno thought while walking.

"Yah, can't you hear me?" Jeno stopped again, he looked to his back again, but this time to his left and right too.

"What the?" No one was there, just himself and the wind that passes by.

"You hear me, don't you?" The voice was deep, but then it was very comfortable.

"I-i do, but where are you?" Jeno looked around, but there's nothing.

"In your mind." Jeno stands still, progressing what he just heard.

His mind? What does the voice meant by that? All of this vampire ability thingy is making him so confused like really, in his 19 years of living, this is so new, he's always home so that's why he never really knew about the outside world.

"W-what do you mean?" Jeno asked the now voice inside his mind.

"Go to the third floor, in the computer lab, you'll see me there." The voice said then disappeared just when Jeno was about to ask who he is.

Jeno ruffled his hair as he walked his way to the third floor.

He stepped on the stairs, well, earning many kinds of looks from his fellow students, both boys and girls started whispering things that Jeno couldn't hear. Rather than wasting his time and life trying to get what they were saying, he just shrugged his shoulders as he went up the stairs.

"Right, two more to go." The voice appeared again, making Jeno almost fell from the stair.

"Yah! Don't fucking do that again!" Jeno whispered because he's receiving weird looks from people who passed by.

"Alright, alright, fine.." the voice disappeared again, Jeno sighed again, for the third time.

He finally approached the second floor, just one more to go. It's not like the usual stairs in your house, it's like very very big and long stairs you'll see in a ballroom.

He stopped his foot in the third floor while trying to find the computer lab, he saw someone with a very suspicious aura around him, he's sure it's a boy since his hair is short.

His eyes were glowing, green was the color and his body scent is..Green?

Jeno slowly approached the guy, while tipping toe-ing closer to him, the voice came back, but this time, it's a different voice.

"Stop. Don't move." It said, Jeno was hella confused, he stepped closer because of curiosity.

When he's about to take another step, a white light appeared in the room, because of the light, Jeno closed his eyes tight with his one arm covering his face.

Then, something around him felt cold of all a sudden. Making him opened his eyes, in front of him, there is a spirit in the form of a woman with a white body and in a kimono dress. She does not have facial features such as nose and mouth, but she has slightly faded yellow eyes and she's holding a katana?!

Of course, Jeno stepped behind him as his back touched the wall. The guy from before came from the dark with his light green right eye, while crossing his arms, he pointed at Jeno, then the spirit did the same as the guy.

Jeno widened his eyes when he realized the scent that came from the guy is the scent of a human, green and not just any human, but a human with more than just one ability.

Jeno guessed that the guy in front of him is now disguising himself as a vampire, same as what he's doing right at this moment.

"I warned you before, vampire." The guy said, Jeno checked his ears, there's not a single earring attached there, meaning that he doesn't have a mate yet.

"I-im sorry, b-but listen, I'm a human as well." Jeno tried to stay calm but the spirit in front of him already brandishing the tip of her katana right in front of Jeno's nose.

"Huh? What kind of joke is this?" He chuckled a little then gave Jeno a sharp stare before raising his brow.

"I-i swear! I know you're a human too! I-i have the ability to see your scent!" The guy though for a while then he snapped his finger, the spirit immediately disappeared.

Jeno put his hand in front of his chest as the guy gave Jeno a very friendly smile, almost very different from him before who almost killed Jeno with his spirit.

"Sorry for that then, I really dislike vampires." He shakes Jeno's hand and gave him a hug.

The scary guy from before turned into a fluffball after knowing that Jeno is a human too, what is this sorcery?

"Mhm yeah..Also, I know you're a human, your eye..It's green and your scent is also green, meaning you're a human with an ability." Jeno explained, the guy in front of him gave Jeno a toothy smile before closing his eyes.

"This is one of my ability as well." The voice appeared in Jeno's head again.

"Y-you're one who's controlling that?" The guy nodded his head as he opened his eyes again.

"That scared me for a bit, I'm Jeno, Lee Jeno, my ability is fragrance, I can see the scent of vampires and human."

"That's sooo cool! My main ability is called Demon Snow! That spirit earlier is my protector." He gave Jeno a toothy smile before dragging him inside the dark room from before.

Once they entered the dark room, the door closed on its own. Making both of Jeno and the guy beside him flinch. The light suddenly switched on its own, now, the both of them are scared.

"Well, uninvited guest?" The voice appeared in both of Jeno's and the guy mind.

"Come out, you coward." The guy said back by using his ability.

"Welcome to the lab." A voice could be heard by both of them as another guy appears in front of them, sitting on one of the desks.

"W-who are you?!" Jeno pointed at the guy, the guy smiled cheekily.

"Someone...Who's living with the guy next to you."

"Stop being an asshole, vampire." The guy beside Jeno said.

"You're an asshole too, Chenle."

"Shut up, Jisung."


Maybe this is very confusing, ask me anything if you're confused about this story, thanks for reading! ❤

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