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2 years later

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2 years later...

"Jeno hyung!" Jeno was just laying down on his comfy bed, reading the history of how the vampire world rules were made. Then, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him, in his mind.

"What do you want?" Jeno groaned before shooting a playful glare towards the younger boy whos having a huge smile while floating outside of Jeno's window.

"I'm bored, Chenle is back to the human world." He made himself inside the room, sitting down next to jeno's bed with a bag of chips.

"Go away, Jisung-ah. You can just go there to visit your baby." Jeno sighed, flipping another page of the book he's reading.

"But hyung! People there will arrest me!" Jisung shouted, but Jeno just ruffled his own hair.

"Yah, you really should listen to the headmaster...geez.." Jeno stood up, placing the book on top of a small desk and then dragged Jisung away before teleporting to the human world.

"Hyung- the necklace—"

Too late, they already arrived in the human world, in front of Jeno's big ass mansion.

"Ah..i hate you." Jisung showed an annoyed expression, Jeno just smiled and rang the doorbell.

"Noona! I'm here!" Jeno shouted. After a while, a beautiful woman dressed in a maid outfit came and opened the gate for them.

"Jeno-ya, good to see you...again." She smiled warmly as usual and welcomed them in.


"How's Donghyuck and Mark?" Taeyong asked, sipping on his tea.

Jeno and Jisung who were drinking their tea accidentally spit it out and they...um, did it to taeyong...right on his face.

"Sorry!" Both of them apologized, Jihyo was just standing there, laughing her ass off because of Taeyong's reaction.

"You little shits-" then taeyong received a glare from Jihyo, he shut up.

"T-They...are doing..."

"Fine." Jeno and Jisung said at the same time before looking at each other.

"What?" Taeyong asked again.

"They're fine...their relationship..is growing ahahahahahaha they fuck hahahahahahaha..." Jeno as usual, spilled the tea to Taeyong..once again.

And the first time he did it, it didn't go too well...

Jisung just facepalmed himself because of his stupid hyung who apparently only owns half of a brain cell.

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