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"What's happening now

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"What's happening now..." Said Jeno to them.

"Stay away!" Screamed that girl, scaring both Jisung and Chenle.

"whoever you are, please come out. We won't hurt you." Renjun said nicely, slowly walked inside the darkness.

"Stay away! You wanted to kill me don't you?!" Her shadow was like almost invisible, they can't even see her properly.

"No, we won't kill you if you don't do anything stupid." Donghyuck stepped forward.

Then she took out a knife.

"Woah there! Put that down." Jaemin said, trying to calm her down.

But then another voice can be heard by all of them, in another tone but from the same person.

The voice was almost like a....scream but also sounds like a whisper.

Which creeped they out, except for Jaemin since he's not scared of anything, probably scared of losing his mate. (oof :3)

"Drop that!" (sing sang sung drop that kskskssksks)

"S-stay away.. i don't want to hurt you.." the voice said, they were all confused.

Then, Jeno looked at that girl for quite a while, focusing at her eyes that are glowing yellow.

He realized, its already the end for her.

The girl that's in front of him now is just a soul, a lost soul.

Jeno tapped Jaemin's shoulder while still paying attention to what's in front of him.

"Mhm? What's wrong?" the younger boy said, Jeno was doubting himself at first, but he decided that he should tell them.

"Guys, she won't hear us." Jeno said with a serious face.

"W-what do you mean?" Chenle asked, still hiding behind his spirit.

"What's in front of us now...is already dead, she's already dead. That's just her soul, the voice we heard before is her soul. She doesn't want us to be hurt, her body now is not real. That's why she can't hear us, I'm also sure that she won't hurt us if we don't bother her first." Jeno explained, they were looking at the girl, swinging her knife like a zombie.

"Wait...if her soul is already dead, does that mean-" Mark said.

"She isn't killed, she died on her own." Renjun continued.

"I don't get it.." Jisung ruffled his hair.

"Let me explain..."

How a vampire dies:

1. Sickness (Not light ones)

2. Heavily Injured

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