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Guess who's being productive? wiNk wOnk ;)

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Guess who's being productive? wiNk wOnk ;)


"Wha-what do you mean I'm not a vampire! I am a vampire!" Jeno shouted, pushing the werewolf boy away from him.

"Well, today is your lucky day. You better go back to your own world, human." Hyunjin said, his eyes glowing bright blue.

"Stay away from me..." Jeno said.

'Oh God please, not now! I still want to live, I'm not ready to die yet!' He thought in his mind.

"You better go back now. Once they discovered that you're a human, they won't let you live." Hyunjin said, crossing his arms.

"But how! How do you even know?!" Jeno asked, of course.

"I guess I'm a lucky werewolf. I have an ability you know." He smirked.

Damn, how hot.


"Sshhh...i can read your mind little human, better not lie to me." He winked and disappeared.

"Should i...go back?" Jeno is now having a war inside his head.

Battling on what should he do.

Should he leave?

Should he go back?

And get all his memory about the world erased?

Or...should he stays?

And get killed afterward.

"This is hard...this is too hard!" He shouted, punching on a tree.

"Oh God that hurts!" Okay, now he regretted doing that.


Meanwhile, Jeno was doubting on his decision and fighting his painful bloody hand, Jaemin almost fell asleep due to the quiet and awkwardness of the forest.

And watching them flirt with each other wasn't a good sight to see either.

Like how Chan keeps on pinching Jeongin's cheeks and getting slapped a few times.

Or even looking at Changbin and Felix making out.

Or to make it worse, looking at Minho and Han eating each other faces.

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