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for y'all for who doesn't ship nosung, its okay. If you don't like it? you can just skip :) I'm just doing this for fun.

Completely different au from this book.


jeno arrived at jisung's place, he tried to knock on the door but it opened on its own, seeing the younger boy stressing over his homework.

Jeno tiptoed his way, closer to Jisung who still didn't realize his presence. Once he's close enough, he wrapped his arms around the younger boy and back hugged him.

jisung ran a hand through his hair, panicking over the homework. he had to write a paper and he could barely focus on it. he was stupid enough to procrastinate it to the night before and was regretting it like no other.

jisung felt a pair of arms wrap around him, alarming the younger. he was about to yell for help when he realized it was just jeno and smiled softly. “hey. what’s up hyung?” he asked softly, turning his head to face jeno better.

seeing the younger turning his head to face him, Jeno brushed jisung's fluffy hair with his fingers. "Nothing. Just, i miss you." Jeno looked deeply into Jisung's eyes, still playing with his hair.

Then he stopped, he sighed. "A lot actually. I miss you a lot." He said, planting a kiss on top of Jisung's forehead.

jisung chuckled a bit, and tilted his head slightly, leaning into jeno’s hand a bit. “yeah? i saw you yesterday with all the hyungs, did you really miss me that much?” he asked, looking up at jeno.

“you are clingy today- i don’t mind, its cute~” jisung cooed and grabbed the older head, pulling him into a headlock. “missed you maknae huh?” he teased.

jeno whines, feeling a little bit hurt because of the headlock. "yeah..well, i miss you because you weren't there." jeno said as he made a sad facial expression. "I miss you...that much. So so much." Jeno then patted jisung's head, the younger looked at him with a confused face.

"I'm only clingy to you." Jeno hugged him again, but this time, he tightened the hug then giving a slight peck on his lips. "Good luck with your homework, I'll cuddle you if you finished it already."

jisung grinned as he pulled away from jeno, letting him free a bit. he hugged back and patted jeno’s head again.

jisung pulled his neck in and crinkled his nose a bit, giving jeno a fake disgusted look. “JenOoOo why did you kiss me!!” he whined a bit, still clinging to him. “and you don’t have to go, just lay on my bed or something, i just have a lot of work to do you know?” he asked as he kept his tight grip on jeno, not planning to let go anytime soon.

jeno only giggled, showing his eye smile. he looked at the younger who's acting cuter than usual. "you're being too cute, i can't control myself." jeno stated, touching jisung's cheeks.

"I'll just watch you do your work then." the older boy caressed the younger skin carefully, adoring every small detail of his face and body. "you know, I'll seriously attack you right now if you won't let me go." Jeno teased, even though he really loves it when the younger grip on him.

jisung pushes jeno’s shoulder a bit and snorted, rolling his eyes. “yah- i’m not cute!! i’m a manly man jeno.” he smiled softly, leaning his cheek into the olders touch, releasing his grip a bit.

"now go sit down, unless you wanna sit here and i can chill in your lap.” he said joking, fully expecting jeno to just go lay down.

"manly? more like a total cutie." jeno then took a seat down on jisung's bed, still not leaving his gaze on the younger boy who started to focus on hid homework once again.

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