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Done, it's all done

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Done, it's all done. Jeno's job is finally done. Do you know what else is done? Jaemin's life.

And, Jeno's feeling for the younger vampire who's no longer beside him. He's done and he's done, just like that.

Of course, guilt was filling up Jeno's feeling, but not only guilt. He felt so empty inside. He just killed his own soulmate, his own love.

Jeno still can't believe what he just did. He took Jaemin's life, just with a stab of a magical sword.

Now, he's in deep darkness. He's locked inside his one dungeon, fighting with his heart and mind at the same time.

While the others are being treated inside the hospital. After what happened, only Mark and Donghyuck were awake. The rest? Still unconscious.

They are all alive. Well, except for the pink haired vampire. Mark was the one who woke up first because his energy was drained, thankfully, he's still alive even though he's a little pale. Donghyuck? He's doing just fine, you can say that he's the only one who's not hurt physically.

A few days passed by, Jeno returned back to the human world along with Chenle who already woke up and free to leave the hospital. Just because of the vampire world is now being patrolled, they need to be way more careful.

"Jeno hyung." Chenle called out, but Jeno was still in deep thoughts.

"Hey, Jeno hyung?" Chenle shakes Jeno's body a little bit, but his eyes were looking at somewhere else.

"Jeno hyung!"

"Ah yes?!" Jeno finally answered. Chenle just shook his head, tapping Jeno's shoulders.

"Let's go inside. Your hyung is waiting there." Chenle grabbed the older and and dragged him inside the big mansion. 

Even though his friends seems okay, but Jeno is sure that inside their heart, they are all screaming in pain on how much they all misses the pink haired vampire presence around them. 


Taeyong was sitting on his couch with a cup of coffee in front of him. He felt somehow missing. Why is Kun not going back or giving him any latest information about his lost soulmate? What if Kun already went back to where he was supposed to be at. No way, he thought. 

Then a few knocks could be heard, he welcomed them inside. Taeyong realized that both of his guest arent looking that happy. What happened? If he's really going to ask, please dont ask them or even try to make some flashbacks. 

"Welcome back, Jeno." Taeyong greeted his younger brother who keeps on looking down and lowering his head, mumbling about something that he can't hear. 

"mhm..." Jeno nodded his head. 

"Jeno hyung.." Chenle rubbed Jeno's shoulder. 

Jeno can hear the worried tone in Chenle's voice. Its just that, he still can't accept the fact that Jaemin really left him that day. Even though it was him who killed Jaemin. He doesn't wanted to, he had to risk everything to save every creature living from Jaemin's monster side that could kill everyone just with one hit. 

But then, Jeno thought while listening to Taeyong talking about the human world. 

Don't you find it weird that Jeno didn't die in the last round? The vampires were talking about how powerful Jaemin family was before. 

According to the history, Jaemin came from the dark side of the vampire kingdom. It was written in the family tree that Jaemin was the king's last son that was gone for almost 100 years. 

They say that Jaemin is a very strong person even in his normal form. He thought again, Jaemin could have just kill him if he wanted to stay alive and just let his dark side took control over his body. 

But Jaemin didn't let that happen. Instead, he let Jeno stabbed his heart and let him die. 

Why Jaemin didn't kill Jeno? 

Tears started to fall from his eyes, drooling down to his cheeks until it vanished to the ground. He recalled to the days where Jaemin was still by his side, smiling whenever he saw him and would just hug him and squeeze him to death. 

"I would never hurt you." 

Those words started to replay inside Jeno's mind and it melted his heart. 

Jeno regretted not doing all of those shitty lovey dovey things with Jaemin when he was still there living happily. He should have just let him do all of those stuff before. 

Now, It's all too late sisters. 

How can he do it if the person who he wanted to do it with was no longer here? 

Jeno misses his smile, warmth, affection, personality and just...his love for him. 

"Jeno?" Taeyong looked up into the younger who's crying waterfalls of tears. 

"Y-yes?" Jeno answered before he falls deeper into sadness. He felt lifeless even if his body is still moving and he's still breathing. 

"What happened?" 

Jeno's heart skipped a beat hearing that question. 

"Oh, i forgot to ask that how come its only the two of you thats here. Where are the rest? Wait, where is your boyfriend from that time?" Taeyong asked more as if those questions are shooting and making holes inside Jeno's heart. 

"I....I don't know.."

his heart shattered into pieces.


Its kind of short, I'm sorry but i was writing this in school. I hope you're looking forward to the next update and that is the last chapter before epilogue. thank you for supporting this book even tho this is a very cringy and stupid book based on my wild imagination, sarang yall and i hope you will like my next upcoming book. :) 

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