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It was night at that time, the three human boys were laying on one bed in Jisung's room with Jisung himself being on the same bed

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It was night at that time, the three human boys were laying on one bed in Jisung's room with Jisung himself being on the same bed. Renjun and Jeno were talking to each other, maybe talking about the vampire world. Chenle was trying to get Jisung's attention, but the younger just ignored him and played with his phone instead of listening to the dolphin boy.

Chenle pouted and snatched Jisung's phone, of course the younger will be mad , but the older didn't even care and proceed to run in the room with Jisung chasing him.

Renjun who was ready to scream and tell them to shut up, his mouth suddenly got covered by the pink haired vampire boy who just appeared out of nowhere, doing his usual Jeno stalking job.

"Yah, please don't ever do that again." Jeno rolled his eyes while reading his book.

"Get off me!" Renjun pushed the younger vampire away and it did work because of his super human power.

"Damn, for someone with a very cute body, you're strong." Jaemin gave the older a cheeky smirk before Jeno nudged his arm.

"Why are you even here, Jaemin?" Renjun asked with an annoyed tone, everyone knew how much Renjun hate Jaemin anyway.

"You should be nice to me Injun-ah, and I'll treat you like a princess." Jaemin warmly smiled at the older, but both Renjun and Jeno gave him a disgusted face.

"Ew." They both said, hearing that, Jaemin pouted, but none of them cared.

"You guys are mean." He said, sitting on the floor.

"I don't even know why you're the school most dangerous vampire if you act like a 3 year old kid, Jaemin." Jeno closed his book as he gave Jaemin a can of soda.

"Awww you're such a sweet hear-"

"Shut up." Jeno said while looking away, hiding his flushed pink cheeks.

Chenle and Jisung finally stopped running and chasing each other like Tom and Jerry, but then they stood a bit far from each other without looking up.

"Chenle, give me back my phone."

"Not before you give me my cookies first."

Jeno and Renjun didn't care at the childish war before, but Jaemin suddenly stood up and dragged the two away, Renjun and Jeno who was nagging when they were being dragged.

"Listen to me for once. They're gonna start a fight again." Jaemin said with his deep toned voice, while his eyes turned red, making the two humans stayed quiet.

'thats hot.' Renjun and Jeno thought.

And what Jaemin said was true, Chenle did summon his demon spirit, and Jisung everything was floating inside their dorm. Good thing, Jaemin carried the two human bodies outside already.

"You two stay here, I'll take care of it." He said with a smile before teleporting away probably stopping the two makes from destroying the whole school.

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