27: GRAY

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"wait wait wait, hold up sisters

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"wait wait wait, hold up sisters. Are you for real?"Renjun said, holding his head, processing what Mark just announced to them. 

"Well hello there, jaemin's brother in law." Donghyuck showed them a cheeky smile.

"Well hello, Jeno's brother in law." Jisung said, looking at Donghyuck who just realized what Jisung means by that.

"What's this? A family reunion?" Renjun said, earning a glare from Donghyuck.

"Shut up Shortie."

"You wanna go, big butt?"

"How dare you insult my thicc ass?!"

"And how dare you insult my height!"

"I mean the two of you are saying the truth so-" Jisung said, chenle just enjoyed the fight that's happening in front of him.

"Shut up skinny pole." Renjun and Donghyuck said at the same time, guess who shares the same brain cell?

"Let's just- you know what, fuck it." Chenle said, all of their heads suddenly turned to him.






"Bitch, did you just fucking curse?" Renjun released his hands from Donghyuck's collar and stepped closer to Chenle.

"I did, I guess?"

"And here I thought that Chenle is the one who doesn't curse." Mark sighed.

"Moving on..." Renjun cuts them off.

"Where are Jeno and Jaemin?" He continued.

"Now that you mention it-"




"Let's go now..."

"Just a little bit more.."

Jeno and Jaemin are now in their room, snuggling together. Well, at first, it was because Jaemin pulled Jeno closer to him making him fall on the bed with Jaemin below him.

Because Jeno is a very panicked gay, he hit Jaemin with a book near the desk next to his bed. The younger just whined at him and threw the book away, pulling him closer to make deep eye contact.

Jaemin then smiled before planting a peck on Jeno's lips. Jeno was shocked and that, he then spaced out. 

"But we need to go...I'm worried." Jeno then tried to let go of Jaemin's embrace.

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