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"Johnny ahjussi!" Miyoung ran and pushed Johnny's wooden door open while shouting

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"Johnny ahjussi!" Miyoung ran and pushed Johnny's wooden door open while shouting.

"I told you not to call me that, you're my niece but please don't call me that, I'm not that old." Johnny sat back down on his chair after wiping the new table.

"Fineee, Johnny hyung." She smiled, sitting down on the couch.

"Oppa." Johnny said, Miyoung pouted her lips and sighed.

"Not happening." She said, playing with her phone.

"Why? It's not like it's a bad word."Johnny crossed his arms.

"Too much cringe and besides, only Ten hyung can call you that. Right?" She raised a brow while smirking at Johnny.

"Nice one, but sadly, Ten calls me Daddy." Miyoung just rolled her eyes and continued to play with her phone.

"So, why are you here?" Johnny asked the purple-haired vampire.

"Hm? Well, i saw an interesting scene earlier."


"Yah! Stop kicking my face!" Renjun shouted at Chenle who keeps on screaming and shouting because of the dizziness he's feeling right now.

"It's dizzy! I feel like throwing up!" Chenle managed to shout before Jisung hugged the older boy.

"Mark Lee! When are we going to arrive! It takes such a long ass time!" Donghyuck shouted at the focused Mark who's controlling the portal.

"Now." He said as he opened his eyes and they fell to some kind of ground?

They all brushed the dirt and dust off their body as they looked at their surroundings. It was completely new to them, well...some of them.

Jaemin opened his eyes and he was gasping, it was truly amazing, truly ignoring the fact that they're being in another world that's slightly different from where they belong.

Chenle and Renjun felt relieved that they're able to see the beautiful world that they missed.

But then they remembered that not all of the things from the human world are beautiful. Some of it is total trash and useless as fuck. Well, for example, the selfish and greedy humans who always wanted more and more. Not all of the humans tho, just, some of them.

Renjun remembered all of those moments he had when he was a little kid, running around the green field with both of his parents.

But then, he also remembered when their parents were kidnapped, right after he looked back and they were already gone.

Some people said that they're in the vampire world, but some of them said that they're already gone. Of course, Renjun denied to believe it.

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