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Jeno and his gang sat in the same table as Mark and Donghyuck who was caught eating together

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Jeno and his gang sat in the same table as Mark and Donghyuck who was caught eating together. After hearing what Mark explained, they believed that Mark and Donghyuck are just friends, they met three days ago before Jeno came to the vampire world.

Even though Donghyuck kept on glaring at Jaemin, they managed to calm them down. Jeno has been wondering lately, why do people hate Jaemin so much? That much? Jeno knew that Jaemin was being a jerk about forcing him to be his mate, but after thinking for a while, Jaemin isn't that bad.

The cafeteria was quiet since Jaemin stepped inside. The whole aura in the cafeteria was cold, Jeno knew all of the people inside there are all vampires, except him and his human group.

He could see piecing eyes, glaring at them, especially at Jeno himself, he doesn't know why, but maybe it's because Jaemin. He's been clinging into Jeno for gay 30 minutes.

"Yah...Aren't they being too salty towards you?" Renjun judged Jeno's left arm because his right arm is being used by Jaemin to rest his head.

"Mhm...It's hella scary.." Jeno looked at the pink haired boy next to him who's surprisingly chill.

"Maybe we should leave after all." Mark suggested as they all stood up from their seat, ready to step out the scary room to escape those creepy glares.

But then, a bunch of girls blocked their way, with a magenta-haired girl crossing her arms with an annoying pout.

"Hold it right there." She commended, they all stopped.

"What do you want?" Donghyuck said, she just remained calm and plays with her hair.

"Who's the one that's named Lee Jeno?" She asked, Jeno awkwardly raised his hand.

"Oh? So you're the one my uncle's been talking about?" She smiled cheekily.


"Yeah, you must be the one from the world of human— hmhpp!" Renjun immediately covered her mouth.

"She means from her uncle's place." A panicked Renjun explained.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She pushed Renjun away.

"Let's have a little talk, shall we?" Renjun smiled bitterly as he dragged Jeno and the magenta-haired girl with him, leaving the rest alone.

Chenle was questioning why Renjun didn't drag him along, he felt disappointed. He's a human too, but why he didn't bring him with them?

He also felt not save around all the other vampires, except Donghyuck who's also a human.

"Chenle-ah, let's head back to the dorm." Jisung turned back his body and was about to head back to his dorm until Chenle grabbed his wrist and pulled him back while pouting cutely.

"Sungie, can you please accompany me today?" He asked with his chubby cheeks and pouted lips.

Damn, Jisung was blushing and he didn't know what to do.

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