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Is it really true? Is it really happening right now?

This sword...this blade...
I just can't. I mean, its Jaemin.

This can't be happening, right? This is just a trick, right? There's no way I'm killing Jaemin, never. I can't just swing this sword and just stab him, no! This is wrong! There must be another way...


Looking what's in front of me right now...there's no other way.

It's too late to run away.

My friends are in critical condition, all of them. There's only me..myself...and I, left.

What if...i kill myself instead?

"Jeno-ya...make it quick." Who's voice was that? It was familiar, but where did I hear it at?


No way, this can't be happening.

"Jeno-ya, I told you since you were little. If you think that it's for the best, then do it. Don't waste any more time."

What should I do?


Jaemin was now attacking his brother nonstop. Jaehyun can't even fight back, Jaemin is in his full form.

Jaemin isn't a vampire.

He's a monster.

He keeps on kicking, punching and throwing fire at Jaehyun, but he was smiling the whole time.

Jeno knows that Jaemin was already used to killing another creature but this is...different.

Jaemin's body was covered with black smoke, his eyeballs turned gray. That's not the Jaemin that Jeno used to know.

"Jeno...dont do it.." Renjun said, still unable to move.

"Wh-what? Injun?" Jeno looked back at Renjun who's choking out blood.

Jeno was panicking, he's terrified.

"D-dont...kill...him.." With those last words, Renjun fainted.

Jeno's eyes widened. He ran towards Renjun, shaking his body a bit.

"Renjun-ah! Wake up! H-Hey...wake up.." Jeno was shaking, he's scared, he really is scared.

Scared that he might do something wrong. Scared that he will be left alone. Scared that he will mess up all of the plans. Scared that...he will lose someone that's very important to him.


"I..dont know.." Jeno said between his tears, when he was about to look up, he felt a very cold hand touching his shoulder.

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