Q&A Answer :) (1)

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I didn't expect y'all to comment that much, I sarang y'all man 😔💕 take all my sarang uwuwuwuwuwu
Thank you so much!

Okay, let's start!
I forgot the usernames so I'll be using this emoji "🍵" as the names ;)

Q&A with me ;) and the characters ofc.

[ JENO ]

🍵 Give Jaemin some time. That dumbass is too dense to realize he loves you.

Jeno; well...idk, Jaemin is quite confusing sometimes.

🍵 Since Renjun said that Jaemin is his soul mate. What would you do if he says he also has feelings for Jaemin?

Jeno; I also don't know, but Jaemin is mine.

Renjun; riteee...moving on!

🍵What if Renjun likes Jaemin, What would you feel?
Also, Wo Ai Ni.

Jeno; I gotta take back what's mine if the first place, right?
Sorry, love Jaemin only 😔

🍵Soo u like Jaemin and I'm sure he's your soulmate...what do you feel about Renjun liking and having Jaemin as his soulmate too? Do you hate him? Or will you move on?

Renjun; I feel bullied-

Jeno; I don't even know who's Jaemin's soulmate is? And there's no way I'm hating on Renjun.

Jaemin; I feel bad here-

🍵I'm gonna pray that you are okay.

Jeno; thanks and I'll be just fine.

🍵How do you feel knowing Renjun is Jaemin's real soulmate?

Jeno; but Jaemin never tells me that Renjun is his soulmate?

🍵So how do you feel knowing that Renjun is Jaemin's soulmate? Hate? Jealously? and also I'm going to pray for you that you'll be okay *flashes genuine smile*
*why are the questions so damn long, I'm impressed*

Jeno; Renjun said that Jaemin is his soulmate and Jaemin never tells me who his soulmate is. I guess I'll be filled with jealousy, but just, *flashes eye smile* thank you.

Jaemin; I'm in deep kunfusion here.

Renjun; am I the one to blame here?

Author; they're just asking-

Jeno; ignore them.

🍵What are your thoughts on Renjun being Jaemin's soulmate? Would you accept him? Would you add him into your relationship with Jaemin? Or drop it off with Jaemin?

Jeno; I would say, I would drop off with Jaemin. Accepting the fact that Jaemin is Renjun's soulmate is kinda hard for me tbh.

Renjun; now I feel guilty.

Jaemin; fuck soulmates.

Author; *duck soulmates

Jaemin; whatever.

🍵*sips tea and wiggled eyebrows* How about some norenmin to make our lives better and easier, hm?

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