(4) The Makeover; Part 2

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Anddddd here comes major hottie, Theo 👍


Makennah and Matt enjoyed comfortable small talk in the car. More like the majorly expensive tricked out blacked out brand new Grand Cherokee Jeep. Makennah nearly died when her butt cheeks touched the cool leather seats.

They showed up to the mall after Matt let Makennah scroll through his Instagram. He showed her specific girl's pages, pointing out particular outfits and giving her pointers. Makennah took mental notes while weighing approximately how much a wardrobe of this type would cost. Matt hadn't set a budget, but from the way he talked about what he was purchasing, he was looking to spend several hundred dollars on himself alone.

Surprisingly, Matt talked down her nerves and had a way of encouraging her without really realizing what he was doing. He was a natural big brother, even if Makennah wasn't his real sister.

"My friend, Theo, is meeting us in the food court. We'll go there first."

Wordlessly, Makennah nodded and followed Matt through the parking lot. Self consciously, she tugged on her shorts wondering what type of people they would run into in the mall. She was probably embarrassingly underdressed.

Briefly, Makennah questioned what kind of friend Matt hung out with. And she wondered if he would be as hot as Matt.

Inside the doors, the cool AC made the hairs rise on her arms as the chill set in.

Or maybe it was the drop dead gorgeous male model leaning on an oversized potted plant with his phone in his hand that Matt instantly approached, welcoming each other with wide smiles and a secret handshake.

Well Makennah was wrong about Matt having friends that are as hot as him.

Because this dude was smoking. Way hotter than Matt.

Turning to Makennah, Matt slapped his friend on the shoulder. "Theo, this is Makennah. My new sister."

Her heart beat faster at the fact that Matt called Makennah his sister and also the stunning way too charming smile Theo turned on her.

Theo reached out his hand. "Theodore Alexander Rose III at your service."

Makennah smiled nicely, remembering to show her teeth, and slid her hand into his. His warm hand enveloped hers. His charming smile morphed into a devil-May-care smirk as he looked Makennah up and down with sparkling chocolate eyes rimmed with full lashes. He lifted his chin and looked down at her, assessing the blush growing on her cheeks. Makennah got lost in her head imagining running her fingers through his full head of dirty blonde hair, just a shade darker than her own.

She remembered that she was still shaking his hand and that she was supposed to say something. "Uh...Makennah Claire Thomas. The first."

Rich people and their fancy names. Eye roll.

Theo released her hand and tucked his hands into his expensive jean pockets. "You can call me Theo of course."

Makennah just nodded in response. Mentally, she berated herself for staring for an ungodly amount of time and willed her heart beat to slow. She had seen and talked to, even dated, attractive guys before. Why the heck was she acting brand new around Theo?

"Let's get started, shall we?" Matt said, pointing in the general direction of the stores they needed to visit.

"Let's hit it," Theo said, dragging his hand through his hair drawing Makennah's attention to his very prominent, toned tanned biceps and triceps that rippled with each movement of his arm.

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