(43) Weaknesses

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"She kissed me."

Sighing, Makennah rolled over in bed. Not for the first time, she thought about how lucky she was to have someone like Carolynn on her side who created this beautiful comfortable room for her where she truly felt like she could hide away from life's stress, bury her anger and issues, and just rest.

Until someone came and interrupted that rest.

Theo took another step into her dark bedroom, lighted by the tv and the flickering candle on the white rustic bedside table. "She kissed me," he repeated.

I know, she thought.

Curling her hands around the comforter, Makennah buried underneath and hid her face from view.

"She kissed me. I'm going to keep saying it until you believe me." She heard him take another shuffling step towards the bed. She really didn't want him near her.

Instead of listening to Theo, Makennah focused her attention on the tv show, their voices, the sound effects, the way the light played over the white comforter.

"She kissed me, Kennah. Not the other way around."

Ripping off the covers, Makennah sighed in irritation. "Matt told me." That's all she could say.

Watching her with cautious eyes, Theo shucked off his coat and shoes. He hung his letterman jacket on the back of her desk chair. Crossing his arms over his  body, he lifted his shirt over his head and discarded it on the floor. Grabbing his belt, he unhooked it hastily and unzipped his jeans.

"What are you doing?" She propped up on her elbows to watch him undress.

"She kissed me," he said again, dropping his jeans to the floor, standing in her dark bedroom in his boxers.

"You can't do that. Carolynn and Will are downstairs."

"Sleeping," he whispered. "I snuck in."

"What?" She gasped. She didn't expect that.

"You don't get to ignore me." Standing tall at the end of the bed and blocking her view of the tv, Theo bent over and placed his hands on her covered ankles. "You don't get to ignore my calls and texts."

She only bit her lip. She did do that. She shouldn't have.

"You ignored me. That wasn't nice."

Theo hitched up one leg and proceeded to climb onto the bed. He hovered over her, inching closer and closer. She pressed her body into the mattress and hid under the comforter again.

Closing her eyes, Makennah forced her head not to spin. Sitting up suddenly made her dizzy from the alcohol. She didn't want him to know she was kind of drunk.

"We don't do that to each other. I don't play that game. If something happens, we talk. We don't ignore each other."

It was so mature. So much. So...Theo. He was responsible and caring. He was comforting and mature. He made adult decisions and treated her like a grown man not a little teenager.

"I know," she whispered, keeping her eyes closed.

"So why did you ignore me?" He asked, pressing her for an answer. His tone was nonnegotiable. "Look at me."

Peeling back the covers, Makennah breathed deeply. Having him this close effected her in funny ways. His face was a tiny bit blurry but she could see him so clearer, know it was him, crave to have him closer, desire so much more from him than hidden kisses and stolen moments in school hallways.

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