(40) Cannonball

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Not only is this chapter forty but we also crossed over into 100 votes and 1000 reads!!

Thank y'all so much from the bottom of my heart. This chapter is dedicated to all of my voters who consistently read and vote! You guys make my heart so happy!!

Here's to a few readers who have voted for me since the beginning:

Happy reading!

"Just get naked."

Makennah curled up into a ball on the kitchen counter. "No!"

"I'll get naked too if it will make you feel better."

Makennah burrowed her head into her arms. "I'm not taking my clothes off."

"Just do it like really fast. It will be like it's not even happening."

Because of the ridiculousness of the conversation, Makennah couldn't hold in her laughter. She almost fell off the counter but Theo stabilized with both hands on her arms. "I'm not getting naked. And I'm not getting in the hot tub. You, however, are more than welcome and I'll just sit on the edge and put my feet in."

Complaining of sore muscles, Theo rubbed his shoulder again. During the game, he took a hard tackle and landed awkwardly on his side. Everything was fine but he was a little sore. His muscles were tense and tired, so he wanted to relax in the hot tub. "It will help me unwind if you're naked."

Makennah glared at him. "You're not undressing me, Theo."

Sighing heavily like all of the weight of the world rested on his shoulders, he marched out of the kitchen, expecting her to follow. "I accept defeat today, but not ever again....you hear me?"

She hopped off the counter and trailed after him to the back patio where the hut tub was bubbling and steaming under the midnight moon. "Is this in reference to any battle or just getting me naked?"

Theo tossed her a grin over his shoulder and yanked his long sleeve Dallas Cowboys t-shirt over his head, dismissing it on the cool patio deck. "Getting you naked."

"It will take a little more than sweet talking," She wagered. It wasn't a thought she lingered on often for pure self-preservation, but if Theo actually came after her with the intention of getting her clothes off, she didn't think she would last very long.

Admiring his back muscles while he climbed over the side of the massive hot tub and sank below the water, Theo positioned himself in a corner and relaxed in the steaming water. The lights underneath the surface periodically changed color. "Alright, What will it take?" He asked seriously.

Scooting over the time of the hot tub, Makennah dipped her toes into the water to adjust to the temperature before settling her legs in. Before she got settled, Theo patted the space beside him, gesturing her for to move closer. "You're resourceful. You'll figure it out," she said light heartedly. She couldn't seriously have this conversation when the rest of the gang was due to arrive any minute.

"Ahhh the ever allusive female response." Theo jokingly rolled his eyes.

Makennah scooted closer until they were almost touching. Theo took that as his play now and he slithered his hand under the water to touch her foot and move it into his lap. Her foot lightly rested on top of his thigh, concealed from view. "Nooo don't play that game. I'm not being allusive. I'm just making you work for it."

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