(57) Sober Eyes

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Will gazed at Makennah with bewilderment and amazement. "The shower is running. She's in the shower?" He asked in disbelief.

She nodded. "I told you."

To properly thank her, Will actually drew Makennah into his arms and squeezed her tightly. "I'll never second guess you again. I owe you, kiddo."

Well she was about to take him up on that offer. "Can I see those papers? About the guardianship thing. I want to read them over."

Without question, Will entered his office, located the papers, and handed them over to Makennah. "Here. Any questions, let me know."

She nodded and tried to stop her hands from shaking as she accepted the papers. "Thanks. I gotta go to the store. I ripped my stockings."

Will handed her a twenty dollar bill from his wallet lying on the counter beside his empty coffee cup. "Don't be late. We're leaving at twelve to get there early. I guess I better get Gran."

Promising him to return on time to leave for the funeral home with the family, Makennah climbed the stairs while avoiding reading over the papers in her hands. She knew what they said. She knew what they meant. She didn't need to do any investigating or reading. She already knew what to do.

Once she wrapped herself up in a black pea coat, a grey scarf, and slipped into boots, she stuffed the papers in her purse, fetched her wallet, and grabbed her high heels for the funeral in case she was running late. On the verandah, Makennah knocked on Matt's door and he swiftly answered.

He was in the middle of knotting his black tie. "Sup."

"Can I borrow the Jeep?"

"For what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I need to buy new stockings. I ripped mine," she said, not completely lying.

Silently, Matt stared her down while he slipped the end of his tie through the knot and pulled it through. "You're lying."

"I'm not," she sneered, playing it cool.

"Fine. No Jeep." He kicked the door shut in her face.

Makennah stuck her foot out and stopped the door from closing. She shoved it open and pointed her finger stiffly in chest. "If you tell anyone, I'll kill you," she threatened. She listened closely for Theo but heard him humming in the shower. It was kind of cute and almost distracted her. "I'm going to see my mom."

Matt cocked his head to the side. "Now?"

"I have some business to take care of."


Makennah paced. And paced. And bit her fingernails. And paced.

Inside a dark cold room lit by a single window near the ceiling which cast long shadows from the metal table and chairs onto the floor.

She'd been waiting for twenty minutes. They told her there was a hold up.

To pass time, Makennah withdrew the papers from her purse and smoothed them out on the table. Okay, that was three whole seconds.

So she ripped open the cellophane wrapping on her new black stockings and unravelled the soft thin fabric. Kicking off her boots, she gathered the material together and stuck her foot in, careful not to rip these too. Assuming she had a little bit of privacy, she hastily smoothed the material over her legs and pulled them up to her waist. She fixed the loose areas and yanked them up higher so that they would stay on.

Her hands trembled so badly that she couldn't unhook the tiny belt on her Mary Janes. She wanted to throw the shoes across the room but she resisted the urge.

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